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Looking For New Players guild!

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:01 pm
by Oppo

I just started shard and am busy training. My fisher coming close to gm, and my bard char is slowly getting there.
I was hoping to find a guild to help me train/hunt.

anyone out there?

Re: Looking For New Players guild!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:59 am
by robz
PoV - join IRC and join the PoV channel and just start talking.
There are resist sessions done weekly to train magic resist for 10-15 people at a time. You can bring 3 characters if you wish.
Someone will probably be nice enough to help you get started and friend you to a house to start macroing.

Re: Looking For New Players guild!

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:32 am
by Mark Stoneholme
[OOC: Hey Oppo,

Ever considered role-playing as well as playing the 'main game' of UOSA?

Have you heard about The Militia?

We're a relatively new role-playing guild with a very content rich background and well-structured hierarchy to ensure fun can be had by all guild members without the need for guild leaders to necessarily be around; as activity is generated by the members themselves, such as foot patrols lead by mid-level superiors etc. We're constantly on the look out for Recruits, whether they wish to join the militia side of the guild, or make a citizen character that could be anything from a barkeeper, to a craftsman, to a treasure hunter, to a highwayman.

We offer a 'hard-core' RP style that as far as I am aware, is currently unavailable in any other guild on the shard. By this, I mean we don't use magery, we don't use magic weapons; we're role-playing rag-tag militiamen designed to make an already difficult era even more tough, i.e. peasants who're fed up of having their fields raided by orcs, and have taken up what arms they can find to help protect other citizens like they themselves used to be.

We're not designed to be amazing at PvP, or even stand up really well to a multiple PK attack - We're designed for long-term fun, based on a concept and similar rules that have worked (and still are working) on the official OSI 'Europa' shard since '98 (and our inspirational guilds/communities are still running strong there today after 12 years).

We also follow a ruleset known as the 'Laws of War' which is tried & tested; it worked with the Europa RP communities of this era (only adapting to account for the games' expansions over the years). This LoW means that any RP guilds who choose to go to war with us must also abide by this same rule-set; this rules cover things like recovery time after battles, magic restrictions, and looting; ensuring that combat and interaction is kept fair, such as "low-fantasy" guilds standing a chance on the battlefield against a guild solely based around the use of magery, for instance.

It might sounds like a lot of effort to some people; and many don't enjoy the concept of playing without magery or magic weapons after years of doing so... But with a possibility to have up to 15 characters on this shard and not pay a penny, what've you got to lose?

Feel free to check out our website, and if you have any questions, you can PM me on the forums or contact me by the ICQ number in my signature.

Regardless of whether or not you choose to have a career in the militia, I hope you enjoy your time on the UOSA shard!]