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Something has to be done about all the pot holes in tethkeep

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:56 pm
by Lord Cavewight of GL
Once you enter the cave with all the ophidians, like every other tile is a bugged out hole you get stuck in. The cave right by

Sometimes you walk over the area and it drops you under.

Sometimes you cast a spell in that area and it drops you under.

Ive died nearly every other time I go to this spot because of all these bugged out holes.

If you guys need pics of every spot in question ill happily post them.

Re: Something has to be done about all the pot holes in tethkeep

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:08 pm
by Mikel123
Are you using precisely the correct client version ( That map is the only one that's correct; I've had no map issues since installing it. With 6.x, I had a TON of problems in Hythloth and other dungeons.

Re: Something has to be done about all the pot holes in tethkeep

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:33 pm
by Lord Cavewight of GL
ahh thatll fix it. thanks :)

Re: Something has to be done about all the pot holes in tethkeep

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:08 pm
by punk
I go to Terra keep all the time and ive never encountered a pot hole. I am using the same client version as the server...

Re: Something has to be done about all the pot holes in tethkeep

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:30 pm
by Derrick
This is absolutely an issue with the post 6. version client map, there are some other major differences in these maps as well which we do not intend to support, such as the second bridge to the island at the bottom of Despise dungeon. There are very few areas in game that this effects, but Tera Keep, Wind, the area on the lost lands side of brit sewers, and the mountains around minoc are places in which people with 6.+ client version get stuck a lot.

Even the client map has a few differences from the T2A era, but the 6.x map is much much worse.