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So what now?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:57 pm
by Pirul
Alright, so we have the new guild charter going. Now what? Are we getting uniforms? Are we organizing dungeon crawls, PK hunts, resist sessions, sparring/healing sessions?

I know most of us actually have a life outside UO, but if we don't all contribute, this guild will start to fade. We already lost Prue (to SoA of all guilds!!!!). Benny can't do it alone (and neither can any of us, I guess), so pucker up, and let's start DOING!!!

In this spirit I am willing to host a weekly sparring/parrying/healing session at my place (it's a small house, but I guess we can crowd inside) on wednesdays at 11:00 p.m. CST for any and all guild members. Just bring the weakest wep for your weapon skill (dagger, skinning knife, etc) and as many band aids as you are willing to donate (I'll put up 1.5k for the first session). My house is the second house north just as you come off the Minoc-Vesper bridge (will try to post a pic later). Just IRC before to make sure we're set up.

Re: So what now?

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:59 pm
by benny-
My apologies that there hasn't been more activity or many updates lately showing the changes in the guild. I agree that running and keeping a guild active is a group effort, which is why I've always asked players to use our irc channel to stay in touch and encouraged members to take initiative, however I do admit that I have been unable to keep things going on my end. Between working full time and being a husband and father, I don't always have time to actively play.

However, there have been a number of updates, which I am posting atm. The guild is changing in many more ways than a mere name check out the threads here to see some of the changes in place.

As for Prue...

Her leaving was in no way related to inactivity within the guild. I suppose I should make clear why Prue and her family are no longer welcome in the guild.

I had been on the fence about Prue for the last week or so after he had made some rather ugly racist comments (to which he blamed on his ADD medication...) when out on a group hunt. I also had learned that he had been making up some pretty ridiculous stories regarding his real life and had even been telling people some very different things about who he was (to this day I have no idea if Prue is a 30 yr old man or a 12 yr old girl). Not that it matters in the least, personal life has nothing to do with UO afterall, however Prue seemed unstable and rather dramatic to say the least.

At any rate, I overlooked Prue's behavior. However, last week a member from one of our allying guilds had noticed Prue associating with some SoA members ( a known grief guild). I had questioned Prue about it (as we have had trouble in the past with pks joining our guild), to which he quickly denied, but later, when it became rather obvious, Prue admitted to some association with the guild. The next day, Prue no longer tried to hide the involvement and was seen wearing a SoA tag. As such, Prue's father (?) and all alts were removed from the guild.

Last I saw the two of them were hiding their tags and trying to kill miners at Minoc mines. :roll:

But back to the discussion at hand. There has been much happening with C^V even if activity ingame has been poor. Much is changing that will bring the guild about and I encourage everyone to make an effort to help boost activity while things are a bit rough for the guild.

Also, great idea on a melee session Pirul. Though I may be able to help get us a larger place to hold it if you're interested. Hit me up in irc an we'll get something planned for it.