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my magery macro wont work pls help

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:17 pm
by time2a
hello all, im just wondering how i can make a macro to where it will run thru again if my meditation fails, now when it fails it just runs thru and casts another spell, if soemone can help me out with good macro that works i will be happy to help out with in game items or gold. thx

Re: my magery macro wont work pls help

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:20 pm
by Bag
just add an if statement that parses for meditation success

have it be like

UseSkill Meditation
If ( SysMessage "trance" )
Pause Howevermanyseconds
CastSpell Whatever

and loop it.

Re: my magery macro wont work pls help

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:34 pm
by nightshark
What exactly is the problem? Your mana is dropping too low and you're continually failing to meditate as a result?

Play around with the IF statements. You can put seperate IF statements in the same macro, like...

if (mana<xx)
cast spell, target etc
end if
if (mana>xx)
pause 1.00s
end if

that will always keep your mana above a certain level and continually try to meditate when it drops below that level. say xx=50, the macro will run part 1 (casting) whenever mana is greater than 50, and useskill meditation every 1 second when it is below 50. very simple macro, it's possible to make them a lot more complex and efficient - the previous post being an example (if (sysmessage = "trance") would perform different actions when you successfully meditate.