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[cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:34 am
by chumbucket
[cA] Department of Justice Case Files:
Case Number #372010 - The Macro Miner's Missing Mare


Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent.

On the evening of March 7th, 2010, our offices were alerted to activities of various criminals at the criminal lair known only as "Bigoud's." A team headed by our agent Hemperor conducted a sting on Bigoud's. A number of wanted individuals were apprehended but only through the use of deadly force.














Having taken down a number of the shard's leading criminals, we next moved our operations to the dungeon known as Destard. We dispatched three criminals before becoming outnumbered. At that point, we retreated knowing that justice would best be served another day. We next dispatched a known thief at the [$$$] tower, a hangout for local gangs of skinheads.




Our final eventful destination was Justice Island whose name has been perverted by the worst kind of brigands. Cleaning up this cesspool is our number one priority.





The night presented two notable arrests.


First, we stopped the thief, PK, and scammer known only as Chaos cold in his tracks at Justice Island. He filed official complaints with the Department for violating the No-Fun-on-Justice-Island Rule. The Department, of course, is the law and as such is not constrained by such rules.

From #secondage:

<Chaos> hey just to let you know if you have any others chars i cA pls let me know before you try and come to roadkills .. as i plan on banning any cA I see that I don't know

<Chaos> i dont' mind loseing mare what ever but i didn't expect that from cA on this island

<Chaos> i use to respect the thing cA did
<Chaos> i just want to let ya know why i'm now anti cA when i was totaly for it

Concerned about possible by misconduct by our officers, I took the initiative.

01[23:09] <chumbucket> I R ARCHER MARE PLS
[23:09] <Chaos> hello
[23:10] <Chaos> glad to see you aroudn agian even though your guild no longer respects the player rules of the land
01[23:10] <chumbucket> We're not much on rules.
01[23:10] <chumbucket> Only Derrick's.
[23:11] <Chaos> agreed but now i have to sit in house and might have to ban a freind by accidnet
[23:11] <Chaos> not to happy
[23:11] <Chaos> mare i dont' care
[23:11] <Chaos> but my friends
[23:11] <Chaos> i do care about
01[23:11] <chumbucket> Are your friends archers?
[23:12] <Chaos> not sure but now i am set to ban all cA as a pk gank squad guild
01[23:12] <chumbucket> We prefer to think of it as a band of Merry Men.
01[23:13] <chumbucket> We rob from the rich and give your mare to the poor.
[23:13] <Chaos> hell sad thing is i would have given cA 100k for nothing cause i'm rich .. i think hug could tel ya that
[23:13] <Chaos> hell i've given cA 5k just to leve my rune alone cause i'm rich and drunk
01[23:14] <chumbucket> Our Motto: We're not in it for the loot.
[23:14] <Chaos> i gave matron 10k to add to his prize for contest
01[23:14] <chumbucket> I wrote a good one.
[23:14] <Chaos> i just hate to see cA recuded to this
[23:14] <Chaos> yes you did
01[23:14] <chumbucket> recudeD?
[23:14] <Chaos> not as good as dolin
[23:14] <Chaos> yes sir
01[23:14] <chumbucket> I don't know what tha tmeans.
[23:15] <Chaos> c a mean chumbucket and ass
[23:15] <Chaos> right
[23:15] <Chaos> that means they should act as you
[23:15] <Chaos> as
[23:15] <Chaos> ass.
01[23:15] <chumbucket> ?
01[23:15] <chumbucket> I really don't know what you meant earlier.
[23:15] <Chaos> your the backing behind cA right
01[23:15] <chumbucket> I AM CA!
[23:15] <Chaos> yes
01[23:15] <chumbucket> My name is on the stone!
[23:16] <Chaos> i would not have expected you to use gank squad
[23:16] <Chaos> yet that is what cA now seems to be
[23:16] <Chaos> that is weak
01[23:16] <chumbucket> We are quite imaginative!
[23:16] <Chaos> your better then that
01[23:16] <chumbucket> I blame Matron.
[23:16] <Chaos> that is what i thought
01[23:16] <chumbucket> He/She has taken over the guild.
[23:16] <Chaos> i talked to him
[23:16] <Chaos> he wasn't there
01[23:16] <chumbucket> I can't do anything.
[23:16] <Chaos> and supports my banning
01[23:16] <chumbucket> Neither was I!
[23:17] <Chaos> i just gave him 10k for his contest
[23:17] <Chaos> i will give more then is ever looted
[23:17] <Chaos> wbut i find it sad that i'm targeted i know wrong place wrng time etc
[23:17] <Chaos> but there is no time justice should pvp spot
01[23:18] <chumbucket> What about 4 to 6 EST?
[23:18] <Chaos> hell i make sure roadkill has scroll for free recalls and gates
[23:18] <Chaos> an i got pked about and hour ago
[23:18] <Chaos> max
[23:18] <Chaos> took a prue mare
01[23:18] <chumbucket> really?
[23:18] <Chaos> shuldn't be hard to find out wh
[23:18] <Chaos> who
01[23:19] <chumbucket> wait
01[23:19] <chumbucket> someone pk'd you?
[23:19] <Chaos> n
[23:19] <Chaos> i was restocking
[23:19] <Chaos> emptyed bag of items
[23:19] <Chaos> said hello to miller
[23:19] <Chaos> he marked
[23:19] <Chaos> then recalled
[23:19] <Chaos> gate open on marked area
[23:19] <Chaos> abut 10 ca
[23:19] <Chaos> came though
[23:20] <Chaos> killed me then res killed me till
[23:20] <Chaos> they gated my mare out
[23:20] <Chaos> np with that
[23:20] <Chaos> but it was justice
[23:20] <Chaos> i was in house
[23:20] <Chaos> so my only recourse is ban cA i don't knw
01[23:21] <chumbucket> 10?!
[23:21] <Chaos> close to
01[23:21] <chumbucket> wow
[23:21] <Chaos> may 7 or 8

<chumbucket> Just the facts, maam.

01[23:21] <chumbucket> why do you say they are cA?
[23:21] <Chaos> but alot of Ca
[23:21] <Chaos> i read my log
[23:21] <Chaos> you see
[23:21] <Chaos> xxx ca
01[23:21] <chumbucket> wow
01[23:21] <chumbucket> ok
[23:21] <Chaos> death was fast
01[23:21] <chumbucket> i'll look into it
[23:22] <Chaos> np
[23:22] <Chaos> i just hate to ban so many
[23:22] <Chaos> i really do
[23:22] <Chaos> i would like to get worked out or at least know
[23:22] <Chaos> all the names i need to ban
[23:22] <Chaos> but was to quick
[23:22] <Chaos> all i could see was cA"s
[23:23] <Chaos> then i tried res to get my mare and res killed
[23:23] <Chaos> i don't mind the loss 40k to me isn't much
[23:23] <Chaos> but for alt that would be game quiting and i care about that and our popluation
01[23:24] <chumbucket> ?
[23:24] <Chaos> roadkills is suppose to be safe
[23:24] <Chaos> i take it personal when people tread on that
01[23:24] <chumbucket> Well, be prepared to take it personally.
01[23:24] <chumbucket> A lot.
[23:24] <Chaos> agreeed
[23:25] <Chaos> but i just wanted to let ya knw
[23:25] <Chaos> its nothing persnal wiht you
[23:25] <Chaos> only thoses cA that can't respect the rules of island
[23:26] <Chaos> i'm very much worried about me making a wrongful ban
[23:26] <Chaos> i don't want to
01[23:26] <chumbucket> THen don't.
[23:26] <Chaos> but i don't see much the rmeans then banning all
01[23:26] <chumbucket> cA doesn't wear their tags
01[23:26] <chumbucket> so you'll haveto ban everyone
[23:26] <Chaos> i have to ban all i see attack
[23:27] <Chaos> i just don't want to be wrong
[23:27] <Chaos> i did see liek 10 cA names
[23:27] <Chaos> so its hard to not ban all
01[23:27] <chumbucket> I'm just gonna be straightforward. You seem very confused.
01[23:28] <chumbucket> We came. We pk'd.
01[23:28] <chumbucket> I was there.
01[23:28] <chumbucket> We were all there.
[23:28] <Chaos> i use fourms alot in fact a clic server mod .. i know how to serch
01[23:28] <chumbucket> We are leet pvpers now.
[23:28] <Chaos> so
[23:28] <Chaos> cA is now pvp
01[23:28] <chumbucket> the best
01[23:28] <chumbucket> EVER
[23:28] <Chaos> ok
[23:28] <Chaos> sorry to bother yu
[23:32] <Chaos> ty sir i have just message roadkill about cA new objective in game and your lack of resecpt for the player law
01[23:35] <chumbucket> Tell him I said hi!
[23:35] <Chaos> n[
[23:35] <Chaos> np
[23:35] <Chaos> messae sent
[23:36] <Chaos> welll if you were ther how much fr mare
[23:37] <Chaos> i'll pay 20k for my mare
Session Close: Sun Mar 07 2010


Session Ident: Chaos
[23:38] Session Ident: Chaos (WildIRC, chumbucket)
[23:38] <Chaos> thats half what i paid for it
[23:39] <Chaos> can i have my mare returned??
01[23:39] <chumbucket> I think Miller has it.
[23:39] <Chaos> i think that is ture
[23:40] <Chaos> wiling to send the message
[23:40] <Chaos> ?
01[23:40] <chumbucket> Me. no
[23:40] <Chaos> k
[23:42] <Chaos> sent message
[23:42] <Chaos> but no anser
[23:42] <Chaos> f it
[23:42] <Chaos> i got my recoruse

The mare in question killed two of our more inattentive members during an attempt to sequester it for the sake of public safety. Truly, these were proud and half-asleep public servants who gave their all so that we might live in a society of law and order.

Dagon the Macro Miner

Earlier in the night, we apprehended the PK known as Dagon. Our associates in the Department of Sheep Husbandry had had dealings with him before in which he was very, very rude and used much foul language. A routine search of his belongings conducted later that night indicated that he might be running an illegal mining in a river near Minoc. Our operative chumbucket set out to inspect the river.


The agent in question met armed opposition on a boat loaded with illegal goods. An energy vortex was called out to dispatch the criminal. Fellow agents arrived to confiscate the illegal goods.


While impounding the several boats, a town thief by the name of Harry Potter hijacked a boat off the coast of Jhelom. A rogue energy vortex killed both our agent and criminal. While ghosts, they fought for control of the boat with the only known key lying on our officer's body. Eventually, other agents met the boat in the waters behind Jhelom bank. The boat was then properly impounded.



Contact was eventually made with the suspect. We conducted a sting operation in which we confirmed that he was responsible for the macro mining operation and in which we claimed 60,000 illegally obtained gold pieces. We arranged for an agent to meet his partner Theron with ship keys for non-existent ships. He was reluctant, but eventually made the trade.









The story you have just read is true. The names were not changed to protect the innocent.


In the case of Chaos, his mare was apprehended along with various other minor goods. Operations will continue on Justice Island.


In the case of Dagon, the operation netted his mare (pure), sixty-thousand gold pieces, five ships four of which are placed in a prime mining location, approximately 320,000 gold pieces worth of ore, and a great deal of goods of small but not inconsequential value. Proceeds will be used to fund the Department of Justice.

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:37 am
by Downs
Let's see the BPD top that!

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:23 am
by son
I like how Dagon's mare is named after me :D

Well played, here is hoping Dagon stops running an illegal macro operation!

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:13 am
by Mikel123
01[23:28] <chumbucket> We are leet pvpers now.
Best line of the show.

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:44 am
by carlthecrook

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:24 pm
by Downs
son wrote:I like how Dagon's mare is named after me :D
If you'd like to buy it as a collectible, i believe we still have it for sale!

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:33 pm
by Lazarus
Thats great work chum. :wink:

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:49 pm
by Millerisfuntoplay
It is a honor to fight by your side Chum!

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:23 pm
by Pro
ololol awesome.

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:01 am
by son
Downs wrote:
son wrote:I like how Dagon's mare is named after me :D
If you'd like to buy it as a collectible, i believe we still have it for sale!
Ill buy if its authentic!

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 5:35 pm
by Downs
too slow! they sold this morning. srry felix. I'll contact you next time we find a leet pet named after u (u know there likely will be a next time)!

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:23 am
by chumbucket
UPDATE - March 11, 2010

Tyrone Biggums, an operative in the [cA] Department of Justice, sighted the fugitive known as Chaos at the Serpent's Hold bank. Our agent chumbucket went to inspect disguised as a well-dressed jester by the name of Brandon. He was able to track down Chaos to his lair on Dagger Island, but was forcefully ejected from the premises.



The Department authorized the use of deadly force. A team was assembled and waited outside the fugitive's hideout. Our agent convinced the fugitive that he would like to purchase the keep, but was told it was not for sale. Fortunately, the fugitive offered to sell the tower next door. The agent asked to see the tower, and a trip to inspect the tower was arranged.

The operation was a success. However, the fugitive was not quite dead and managed to make another run at our agents. He was put down a second time. His llama was euthanized only moments before.







Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:50 am
by uofuntime
this is so cool. :)

What did that guy mean by "we'll ban cA"? from a house or something?

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:30 pm
by Shane2
uofuntime wrote:
What did that guy mean by "we'll ban cA"? from a house or something?
Bigouds appears on the surface to be a patio merchant house next to Yew bank; but cA agents have acquired evidence that in reality it is a criminal lair and front for a pk gang to sell their illegally obtained loot- hence the above operations to ensure justice for the citizenry.

Re: [cA] Department of Justice: The Macro Miner's Missing Mare

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:43 pm
by Dagon
Shane2 wrote: Bigouds appears on the surface to be a patio merchant house next to Yew bank; but cA agents have acquired evidence that in reality it is a criminal lair and front for a pk gang to sell their illegally obtained loot- hence the above operations to ensure justice for the citizenry.
One of your cA guild members has vendors there, and cA shops there, so I guess it can't be too bad, fucking tards.