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Vendor Worries

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:11 pm
by Arkah
If your worried abotu whether a magic item, potion, food, or spellbook on a vendor is a scam, or if your worried there may be a ambush setup at a particualr vendor send me a Message and I'll check it out. Just finished training my character 2 characters for anti scam, grief, and ambush.

Thigns i have dealt with thus far:

Magic weapon and spellbook scams
Poisoned food and potion identification
Removign clusters of tamed creatures from crowded well traveled areas.
Warning farmers of potential incoming hostiles

Can also effectivly do the following:

place unhireable NPCs in areas to hinder thieves

Re: Vendor Worries

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:12 am
by Pacifico
You going AFK at Moonglow Bank in front of an NCP didn't stop you from dying :(

Re: Vendor Worries

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:14 am
by Arkah
Pacifico wrote:You going AFK at Moonglow Bank in front of an NCP didn't stop you from dying :(
I can't stop myself from dying afk, would be impossible without the proper skills and a macro near a bank box. But some conditiosn are favorable for me to stop someone else who is afk from dieing, but those conditiosn are improbable, therefore i didnt list it as soemthign im capable of.

Good observation.

Re: Vendor Worries

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:32 pm
by one hand ord
Seriously. Isnt this an issue that should be dealt with? I can understand getting shafted at the bank or what not, but, player vendors should not be able to label a spell book as full when it aint. Thats just effing stupid. And yes, I just spent 10000+ on 2 "full" ( read: empty ) spell books. Both vendors were by the Yew gate. One was even at K/\A house. Being new to the shard I thought this was BS.

Re: Vendor Worries

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:00 am
by Pacifico
It is era accurate, personally I don't buy off random vendors. Anything I need, I ask on forums or in IRC for.

Re: Vendor Worries

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:04 am
by uofuntime
one hand ord wrote:Seriously. Isnt this an issue that should be dealt with? I can understand getting shafted at the bank or what not, but, player vendors should not be able to label a spell book as full when it aint. Thats just effing stupid. And yes, I just spent 10000+ on 2 "full" ( read: empty ) spell books. Both vendors were by the Yew gate. One was even at K/\A house. Being new to the shard I thought this was BS.
I think it's okay. There are ways to identify what you're buying. It's not "stupid", it's old UO. Gotta buy from trusted vendors. $$$ tower by moonglow is always legit. And besides the era accurate argument, this is what happens in real life. The magic of T2A UO is that it emulates an almost real world where anything can happen. People get scammed buying fake Chanel purses.

Any I don't mean to be sound snarky but if things like this bother you there are plenty of other free shards and other mmorpgs where things are more safe.

p.s. lol @ mentioning K^A. That doesn't mean their reputable. a) anyone can name their house anything they want, b) K^A has their fair share of griefers, pks, and scammers. If you're a newb and you happen to see some blue K^A members while dungeon crawling, they're probably out to gank you.

Re: Vendor Worries

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:46 pm
by one hand ord
Dont get me wrong. I understand getting scammed. Back when I played before i fell for the Ethy scam. Live and learn. However, I think the point that OSI originally came up with ( you know, saying a spellbook with x# of spells when you click over it ) was a legitimate fix. Just cause something was ERA accurate doesnt make it the best. I play this shard because I am having a blast with it. But I constantly see posts from people trying to get more people to the shard. Yes, its era accurate and that is great. But, the little things that can ruin someones experience might make the new people find a different shard as you so helpfully pointed out. By your logic a shouldnt trust certain people cause of their race because of a few bad apples -- read into that what ever you want. It like playing any game on XBox...there are glitches but that doesnt make them right.

Re: Vendor Worries

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:16 pm
by uofuntime
one hand ord wrote: you know, saying a spellbook with x# of spells when you click over it. It like playing any game on XBox...there are glitches but that doesnt make them right.
Just use your item identification skill. ID wands don't work. And how is what's currently in place a glitch? I think what's in place is not only era accurate, but realistic. Think about it, how would you know that a dusty old book with ancient scribbles is in fact inscribed with 64 spells? You need to utilize skills to check for authenticity of items before shopping. It's like buying a vintage Chanel purse. You check for the labels, the fine detailing, you got to learn this. In UO's case, train item identification.
By your logic a shouldnt trust certain people cause of their race because of a few bad apples -- read into that what ever you want.
What? Okay so you're comparing me to a racist? Because of my comment about K^A as not necessarily trustworthy? You were under the impression that K^A vendors are always trustworthy. What does that make you? Foolish. And as I said, anyone can name their house anything, so how sure are you that they're in fact K^A stores?

What you're suggesting with having item properties visible by single click would be the death of Item Identification and Taste identification (just like in OSI). I know you're only suggesting spellbooks, but what's the difference between that and a yellow potion or magic sword? Bottom line, I just think you need to learn the game mechanics, because you seem clueless about the skill Item ID.

Re: Vendor Worries

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:11 pm
by one hand ord
Naw, not calling you a racist. Just hate that era accurate means nothing is wrong. In hindsight I guess I was still reeling for my double cas of ignorance. And I whole heartedly appologise if I offended you. I was out of line. PLUS...had I done a little research I would have realised that I could have used Item ID ( ironically a skill I am raising on my Smith ) on the vendor. THANK YOU for pointing that out. Of course I blew through all my cash trainnig magery so I could make my own damn spell books, so am now broke ass noob again. Fart Knocker if you need anymore sandwiches I could use some more cash......

Re: Vendor Worries

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:08 am
by ehafh
there's going to be setbacks as a new player regardless, you're playing with 90% veteran pk's.
the game has so much freedom just plain expect to die a lot and be prepared to drop items.
once you get past that there's tons of fun to be had though i assure you.

i died a lot the first month here but doing alright now.

the era accurate stuff can be annoying at times but overall it's 1000x better
than any other server i've played. some of the annoyances create more activity too.
and at the end of the day they don't delete accounts due to inactivity here so you
can always take a break.