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Dexxer role newbie question

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:47 pm
by Cado
I know circumstances dictate this largely. But I'm wondering with our guild make up and all the Provokers we have...perhaps a better role would be to sit back and peel aggro off mages when necessary, and be ready to jump pk'ers when they arrive (usually "when" not "if").

I've mostly been wanting to either dps mobs down or tank. This seems a bit superfluous with all the mages and provoking going on..which has been awesome by the way.

Just not sure we need the traditional "main tank" and want to be smart out's dangerous!

Also, I'm quite weapon dependent. Advise as to taking better than GM weapons?

Re: Dexxer role newbie question

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:23 pm
by benny-
The dexxer plays a far different role in both pvm and pvp, because of this they're often overlooked.

You're right that each situation will dictate a different role, but as much of our pvm involves bards I'll use that as an example...

Dexxers are well suited for baiting mobs for the provokers...that is running in first to get the mobs attention (I go in warmode and attack each of them, as that gets their attention instantly :wink: )...this makes it much easier for the bards, as they're not being chased while trying to get their provo off....this is especially true when there are multiple mobs on screen (think Ophidian Lair, heh.) With multiple mobs, I usually run circles around the bards (tho not letting the mobs get too close to the bards of course) keeping the mobs distracted until the bard's provo timer is ready for the next.

The benefit to this is not only that it means one less thing for the bard to be worrying about, but also dexxers are the best armored in the group, meaning the occasional hit will not be as devastating as it would against a bard or mage....Also, with bandage healing, you can continually heal while moving, allowing you to stay at full health without stopping and taking more hits than necessary.

After the creatures are all provo'd, the dexxer contributes by keeping each mob on par with the others health. (Ie: two lich lords one at 3/4, one at 1/2, jump on the 3/4). This makes provoking much more effective.

What's nice about this scenario is that it often leaves the dexxer in a more relaxed position. Once the creatures are provo'd and you're just keeping them on par, there's nothing stopping you from pulling away from the pvm if need be....such as when pks roll in, heh.

For group pvp, the dexxer plays the tank so to speak. You run in, always staying on them, putting the pks on the defensive a bit so that the others in the group are freed up (as they're not being bombarded with spells when the pks are running and spamming "In Mani", heh) to cross heal and dump (when the moment is right). The best bit of advice for a dexxer like this is to always stay on the mages, even when at low health....If you back off when you're low they can give chase, as there's now nothing stopping them from prepping a dump. Stay on em even when you're low and you'll be disrupting their offensive spells, putting them on the defensive to heal....just stay on the offensive and keep 'em busy. Always keep your bandages going...if it seems like the bandages won't kick in fast enough, drink a heal to keep you going until they do....Also, be quick on the cures (as poison will cause your bandages to cure....a missed bandage will ruin you.)...and keep up on the stam pots, as they dictate how fast you swing.

Not the most detailed advice or tactics, but I hope that helps.

Re: Dexxer role newbie question

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 10:40 am
by Cado
Yep, that's what i was looking for...thanks :-)

Re: Dexxer role newbie question

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 12:19 am
by benny-
np...forgot to mention weps...

What I usually do on my dexxer is carry 2 weps, one a plain gm wep for pvm (unless Im hunting undead, here Id carry a silver), the other a higher end wep (at least force or higher). I use two dress hotkeys for this, so that I can quickly switch from one wep to another. The benefit to this is that you don't damage your good wep while doing continual dmg to mobs....saving it in perfect condition for when pvp occurs. For pvp on a dexxer, I always go with the fastest weps (at least 45 wep speed or higher)....speed disrupts spells which is crucial in any field pvp.

Re: Dexxer role newbie question

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:39 pm
by Cado
Cool. Right now my weapon of choice is the Katana for it's speed and damage. Broadsword is my second choice. I've thought about moving to Fencing as my weapon skill as they have faster weapons, but better ones also seem less numerous and perhaps more expensive.

So i usually take out a GM and a Silver as it seems that we often face undead...I almost always take both out when soloing. I guess for pvp I'd use the better of the two but usually don't think fast enough at this point to switch lol.

I've hesitated to take out weapons greater than Force as they are too expensive to stock or replace if lost. Once I feel more confident with pvp and after I've raised healing and resisting spells closer to GM, then I plan to use better weapons.

Re: Dexxer role newbie question

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:22 pm
by Pirul
benny- wrote:Dexxers are well suited for baiting mobs for the provokers...that is running in first to get the mobs attention (I go in warmode and attack each of them, as that gets their attention instantly :wink: )...this makes it much easier for the bards, as they're not being chased while trying to get their provo off....this is especially true when there are multiple mobs on screen (think Ophidian Lair, heh.) With multiple mobs, I usually run circles around the bards (tho not letting the mobs get too close to the bards of course) keeping the mobs distracted until the bard's provo timer is ready for the next.
This is very true, it makes our life much easier not having to run, while trying to pull out stat bars from the mobs to target, because one missed target = 10 seconds of more running around.
benny- wrote:After the creatures are all provo'd, the dexxer contributes by keeping each mob on par with the others health. (Ie: two lich lords one at 3/4, one at 1/2, jump on the 3/4). This makes provoking much more effective.
This is also very important, more so when there's different strength of mobs provoked on each other (LL vs Lich, or Deamon vs. OL). I always try to provo most stuff onto the strongest mob (in t-hunts that's generally the OL), but the little stuff (Dread Spiders, Liches, etc.) just die too quickly, so that's when jumping the OL REALLY helps, even if he's at 20% and has two liches at 100% on him, he'll drop them in no time, and will at most go down to 16%.

Re: Dexxer role newbie question

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:47 pm
by Cado
thanks for input :-) Pull and keep the fights even. I'll try to communicate with group as to when pulling more mobs, or maybe the bards could say when they are ready. Maybe that just comes with experience...I just know from previous mmo's most groups want to be ready for pulls.

I'm wondering about armor as well. Is GM good enough until GM resisting spells and healing?

Eventually after I've GM'd healing and Resist. I plan to wear magic armor more regularly on hunts. I also plan to acquire a set of invuln plate. I know the hit on the dex is fierce, but imagine an AR over 90 and having GM Parry, Healing, and Resisting spells..... Balrons? Hah! <pushes them aside and laughs in their general direction!> Wyrms? Bah! <"Go away before I taunt you a second time!"> Anyway, sounds fun :)

Re: Dexxer role newbie question

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:03 pm
by Pirul
Cado wrote:thanks for input :-) Pull and keep the fights even. I'll try to communicate with group as to when pulling more mobs, or maybe the bards could say when they are ready. Maybe that just comes with experience...I just know from previous mmo's most groups want to be ready for pulls.

I'm wondering about armor as well. Is GM good enough until GM resisting spells and healing?

Eventually after I've GM'd healing and Resist. I plan to wear magic armor more regularly on hunts. I also plan to acquire a set of invuln plate. I know the hit on the dex is fierce, but imagine an AR over 90 and having GM Parry, Healing, and Resisting spells..... Balrons? Hah! <pushes them aside and laughs in their general direction!> Wyrms? Bah! <"Go away before I taunt you a second time!"> Anyway, sounds fun :)
Regarding pulls, as long as you bring no more than 2 of anything, we should be fine...unless it's a Deamon and a rat, cause that's like losing 10 secs. In other words, as long as we get 2 mobs of somewhat respectable HP's (that will last more than 10 secs) every 10 secs or so we should be fine. Just give us a break once in a while to even up provos when mobs die.

About armour. Oy...tough one. As many people say, "Don't go out with anything you are not prepared to lose". Personally, I'd suggest keeping on with the GM, maybe mixing up a couple of magic pieces, start off with guarding and hardening if they are the type of armour you regularly use (chain, ring, closed helm, plate gorg), or fort/invuln for "lesser" types (studded arms or legs, etc.), that will probably increase your total AR somewhat, but will be no big loss if/when gone. Also, remember when facing OL's, or other mace wep wielding mobs or players, AR will drop drastically faster, so also be prepared for that.