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how active or the militia and URK?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:13 am
by Moriarti
Me and some friends are thinking of starting an RP guild - sort of a guild that is more of a Knight/Royal narrative. A guild that seeks to be a large political, economic and military force in the game. A guild that is made of of legions of fighters but also common people like crafters and merchants as well as people who would want to roleplay a part of the poltical side of the guild.

For this type of guild to be successful there would have to be RP enemies. It's really no fun when you are in RP guild and the only ones to fight are those players that don't consider UO to be an RPG - players with names like B0neDaddY or whatever.

There are a few of us coming back to UO and want to get this type of guild started so my question is two fold - how active are the RP guilds now and is there a part of the player base eager to join RP style guilds?

Re: how active or the militia and URK?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:06 am
by Doogie Howser MD
Urks are really active. Check out their latest thread...

Re: how active or the militia and URK?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:09 pm
by Mark Stoneholme
[OOC: Hi there Moriarti; itt would be great to see more serious RP guilds flocking to the shard. I fully appreciate your comment about roleplaying not feeling complete without other guilds to interact with; but I've been surprised myself to find some of Mlt's best interaction so far has come from random members of the shard who like what we're doing and have given us little tasks and missions to perform; but yes, inevitably there are a few individuals who simply like to hound RPers on horseback casting magery without restriction or consideration, before dry-looting a uniform they're only going to throw in the trash barrel.

The Militia is a relatively new-formed guild and doesn't have the widespread publicity or concept that the Orcs do; being that there is a Bloodrock/Shadow Clan orc guild on every UO shard and every MMO (and why not? It's a great concept!). That said, it is active in terms of leadership, administration, and in-game - Although our In-game times can be sporadic due to players ranging from time zones GMT +2 to GMT -7 (Potential 9 hour time difference between some players!).

Unlike other RP guilds on the shard, Mlt is heavily self-restricted to promote a refined RP experience in terms of staying true to its concept of being a rugged rag-n-tag militia. In a nutshell the big four are:

1.) Hardly any horses (Officers only; currently no officers!)
2.) NO Magery (Not even recall)
3.) NO magic items (GM crafted stuff only)
4.) NO power-gaming (RP should be a long-term commitment, not an afterthought to sprinting to a 7x GM template as a raw recruit)

I appreciate that this concept doesn't appeal to many; but as you can see from our roster and the recognition we've gained on the shard, it does still appeal to some (as all things do and don't).

In relation to 'going to war' with Mlt (though I suspect based on your concept you'd seek to be allies), The Militia further emulates an old RP community on Europa known as the Crossroads of Yew and follows the 'Laws of War' (inter-guild rules) that existed back in the day to ensure RP/RP-PvP was fun and fair for all. Every guild within the CoY community adhered to these Laws of War, and many of which still exist today. Unfortunately, Mlt will not formally 'war' with any guild that doesn't likewise abide by the LoW, as we're trying to create an era-accurate community for others, as well as a guild for ourselves. Click here to see our LoW / How to obtain war status with 'Mlt'.

Regardless of whether or not the LoW appeals to you, Mlt would no doubt be more than happy to positively interact and assist with your guild as best we can!

Good luck.]

Re: how active or the militia and URK?

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:52 am
by Avo
Hail fellow traveler, I'm an Rper on this shard. Like Mark said there are actually a few random folks who appreciate the rp aspect of the game and do contribute to our efforts. I myself am a bit of a loner at the moment. But I'de love to see a few more new faces on the shard to enjoy roleplaying as muchas the rest of us do. Let me know how the guild goes for you, i may put in an application myself mate. Cheers!

Re: how active or the militia and URK?

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:30 pm
by Zodbad
Greebas oomie ee wud wub tu clomp uu en eyt uu liber HOHO *farts* Cant wait to see you on. Us urks love to have it out with other RP guilds it makes the game so much better. And what we have done in the past vr rping guild is we set a no loot policy so if we kill yall only thing that might be looted is food and some bandage. armor and weps will be left on ur char.

Re: how active or the militia and URK?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 12:33 am
by Moriarti
Mark Stoneholme wrote:[OOC: Hi there Moriarti; itt would be great to see more serious RP guilds flocking to the shard. I fully appreciate your comment about roleplaying not feeling complete without other guilds to interact with; but I've been surprised myself to find some of Mlt's best interaction so far has come from random members of the shard who like what we're doing and have given us little tasks and missions to perform; but yes, inevitably there are a few individuals who simply like to hound RPers on horseback casting magery without restriction or consideration, before dry-looting a uniform they're only going to throw in the trash barrel.

The Militia is a relatively new-formed guild and doesn't have the widespread publicity or concept that the Orcs do; being that there is a Bloodrock/Shadow Clan orc guild on every UO shard and every MMO (and why not? It's a great concept!). That said, it is active in terms of leadership, administration, and in-game - Although our In-game times can be sporadic due to players ranging from time zones GMT +2 to GMT -7 (Potential 9 hour time difference between some players!).

Unlike other RP guilds on the shard, Mlt is heavily self-restricted to promote a refined RP experience in terms of staying true to its concept of being a rugged rag-n-tag militia. In a nutshell the big four are:

1.) Hardly any horses (Officers only; currently no officers!)
2.) NO Magery (Not even recall)
3.) NO magic items (GM crafted stuff only)
4.) NO power-gaming (RP should be a long-term commitment, not an afterthought to sprinting to a 7x GM template as a raw recruit)

I appreciate that this concept doesn't appeal to many; but as you can see from our roster and the recognition we've gained on the shard, it does still appeal to some (as all things do and don't).

In relation to 'going to war' with Mlt (though I suspect based on your concept you'd seek to be allies), The Militia further emulates an old RP community on Europa known as the Crossroads of Yew and follows the 'Laws of War' (inter-guild rules) that existed back in the day to ensure RP/RP-PvP was fun and fair for all. Every guild within the CoY community adhered to these Laws of War, and many of which still exist today. Unfortunately, Mlt will not formally 'war' with any guild that doesn't likewise abide by the LoW, as we're trying to create an era-accurate community for others, as well as a guild for ourselves. Click here to see our LoW / How to obtain war status with 'Mlt'.

Regardless of whether or not the LoW appeals to you, Mlt would no doubt be more than happy to positively interact and assist with your guild as best we can!

Good luck.]
Hi Mark

I read over your rules of war and the guild is being designed around that concept- no mounted combat,no looting of other rp guilds etc

did you play angel island? I briefly had a character in the militia on angel island (was in Urk before that)

Re: how active or the militia and URK?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:08 am
by Mark Stoneholme
[OOC: Nah I've never played Angel Island; coming from Europa I've spent 5 years both pre and post 'no loot' rules. The old style LoW allows people a little reward for their efforts, without being of massive detriment to the fallen victim and ultimately serves to create a little economy. With no loot, big battles just became dull because there was no 'objective', just death-matching and then everyone got their robes on, and started over again. It meant you could have as many battles as you wanted over the same objective (a little unrealistic with no rest period after being bashed around), whereas if the fallen all found they had no bandages left, the battle was clearly lost.

I'd like to urge you to consider incorporating the Laws of War in your guild, to help kickstart an organised RP community on this shard, rather than disjointed 'RP guilds'? :) ]

Re: how active or the militia and URK?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:22 am
by Zodbad
Right now we still hold the same rules as we did in the 90s when this guild was first started, and when it comes to looting not ever battle we dont loot. alot of times we do take what would help the guild and just leave the rest. but when we just want some good clean fun thats when we do the no loot.

Re: how active or the militia and URK?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:41 am
by Mark Stoneholme
[OOC: It's a good policy Zodbad, that can be used on an 'as per' basis, but isn't something that I think should be underlined to prevent it being deemed as 'the norm'.

It does open opportunities though; for example, as a long-term RPer I entirely respect Urk's long-term roots as a guild, and theme, and wouldn't dream of asking Urk to adopt the LoW to join Mlt in the foundations of a community... But an 'as per' rule of no looting would enable Mlt and Urk to fight one another on an organised level; it's more than likely a few orcs would take down the militia due to our own personal restrictions beyond those of the LoW, but with no loot rules it's a "no loss" environment, which makes it a possibility.

As I say though, I think 'no looting' as the "norm" is a poor rule-choice; as previously stated, I feel it takes away a potential combat-economy (when regulated as per the LoW for instance), discredits ambition to do well in an organised fight ('doesn't matter if I die, I'll res and still have everything'), and lastly I think in a Felucca rule-set shard, it desensitises individuals to the fact that if Mr. PK comes along and wipes the floor with you, they will probably dry-loot your corpse (making it more crushing/disheartening to the individual when it does happen).]