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Church of the Avatar

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 2:02 pm
by trheel
Lord British under siege. The lands terrified by thieves and murders, the populace cries out for hope, for an Avatar.
In answer The Church of the Avatar is created by Lord British to be an example of Virtue to the people.
The Church then ordains an order of Knighthood to defend the Clergy and people of Sosoria.

OOC: As a guild of like-minded players, we role-play to enhance the experience of UO. We set in-game goals for us to achieve together and as individuals based around the lore, history and novelty of the game itself in conjunction with our own personal goals as players. We, as a brotherhood in virtue, intend on changing the face of Britannia. We are a Pvm rp guild to help support and facilitate role playing on the second age shard.
The Guild hopes to hold Hunts, tournaments in guild and out, quests, and role playing events.


Hold the virtues in your heart and on your lips. Show courage in the face of your enemies. Always speak the truth, even if it leads to your death. Love and safeguard the helpless. Do no wrong, and be humble in all you do.
….Oath of a Knight

The Order is no place for those who seek fame, glory, and riches. Knights and Priest work tirelessly to aid and defend the innocent. As a Knight and Priest you are also expected to be more then a wild beast, learning other skills instead of war such as music, alchemy, cooking, inscription, healing etc.
To join the guild PM me or find a Knight or Priest and be accepted in their household, as a page or initiate until you have completed the introductory time period and quests, then accepted as a Squire or Acolyte.

You do not have to start a new character as long as your character has a some what rp name, no Dick Steelbones or Harry Saxs, an attempt has to be made at an rp name.
You also must not have negative karma and fame and be willing to live by the code of the Avatar, and oath of the Knight.
All characters have to be made public on myuosa [publicchar

As a new member of the order you will start out at the lowest rank of 'Page' or 'Initiate'. As such you are expected to work hard, and learn of the Virtues. If you make it through the initial period. you will be Squired or become an Acolyte and be on your way to Knighthood or Priesthood.
Certain ranks may have prerequisites that must be obtained in order to be eligible for promotion, such as length of service in their current rank, and quest completion. In general, however, promotions are achieved through peer recommendation and no member of the order will be considered until he meets the requirements of Grandmaster, and the title of Honorable.

Below is a list of the ranks of the Order, with a brief description of their role, and an outline of their uniform armored allowed and weapon selection.


The adventurer has sworn their allegiance to the Virtues. Now he/she must prepare themselves for their first test learning humility, proving themselves worthy of the road to Chivalry.
You are given Studded armor, leather gloves with Coif and round shield . You will also wear a tunic or doublet colored with your Knight’s household colors.

The adventure has proven themselves in humility and has started down the path of chilvary.They will now prove themselves in all virtues and doing so only their knight can suggest they be put on vigil to obtain the rank of Knight.
As a squire your status has been elevated and your armor will show this. You will now wear Chain, plate arms, gorget, leather gloves, helmet and Kite shield. You will also get a red sash indicating your status of squire.

Your journey has just now begun. From here you are to ride into Sosaria spreading the virtues to all the populace defending it from the enemies of the king and training new Squires.
You will wear the very best. Full plate, Kite Shield also you will now color your tunic or doublet to any color you wish indicating the start of your own household and every squire you take from hence forth will wear your colors. You will also color your sash white for purity of heart that a Knight must posses.


Initiates and Acolytes will wear the robes of their position until they become Priest at which time the can wear any clothes they decide and a Yellow sash indicating their status of Priesthood.

Armor, Weapon, Magic, Skill and Steed Restrictions:

Priest are forbidden to wear armor and use weapons of any kind, except staves.

Knights do not use weapons of the peasantry : Staves, Pitch forks, Spears, Regular Axes, Cutlass, Scimitars, Viking swords, Mauls, or Crossbows.

Knights do not use magic armor or shields preferring to meet their opponents on equal ground.
A Knights weapon is an heirloom pass down from generation to generation to simulate this fact Knights can use magic weapons.
All members of the Church can use potions.

Acolytes, and Priest can use any magic item.

Knights can not advance their magery past 50.

Some spells have been banned by the Church as they are considered to be closely related to the dark Necromancer arts.
Mana Drain
Blade Spirits
Mind Blast
Poison Field
Summon Creature
Mass Curse
Paralyze Field
Mana Vampire
Energy Vortex
Summon Daemon

No one in the church will condone or learn such skills as begging, hiding, poisoning, snooping, or stealing.

Mounts are status symbols so only Knights and Priests ride mounts.

As A member of the Clergy and Order you are to give fair quarter to your opponents. We only take from a defeated foe gold, bandages, reagents. (It is honorable to leave enough reagents for recall.)
We are to never loot armor, weapons, runes, scrolls or kill an opponents mount.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to pm me .