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One weird archer template?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:16 am
by zaferoff
I was thinking of an INSANE archer template. Its not a 1v1 archer template. Its more of a super support unit. Use

GM swords
GM Archery
GM Hiding
GM Resist
80 Anatomy
20 Magery
GM Tactics
GM Healing

With the anatomy you only use a 4% damage bonus which you wont need for this cause its overkill, unless you miss. And if your poisoned or hurt thats when guildies heal you. But its for a 1 shot only then hide for 5 seconds while heavy x bow resets or how long it takes. Take notice to your favorite suit and see the timer between shots for maximum effect. But the idea here is when you guild is chasing some1, rather that red or blue this is instant death. Its like an instant hit with a mage archer style. Hide and when some1 goes near you hit them with a heavy x bow arrow(best results with vanq) and right when you attack switch to a hally while running at them. To be even more of a douche scream BOO! really loud while running suicide bomber style with a gm explosion pot, even better with full plate armor. Like I said this is made for a 1 shot deal then hiding, not constantly fighting with it. Its my Super Unit Support Troop as I would call this. What are your thoughts on this. Im just trying things new other than Kal Vas Flam and Corp Por with a hally swing.

Re: One weird archer template?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:52 am
by uofuntime
How is this weird? It's so run-of-the-mill. There are others already with this template, or with a slight difference. I used to have the exact same template (except without magery and 7x gm). But I switched swords for macing. Also, you have to keep in mind the swing time of the halberd right after the xbow is not insta hit. People can run, heal, you can miss (1/2 is a miss if the other is GM). But still it's an okay template and if you check some public chars on UOSA other people have it.

Re: One weird archer template?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:31 pm
by Karik Verlee
This would be insane!

GM Lumberjacking
GM Bowyer
GM Archery
GM Hiding
GM Carpentary
GM Tactics
GM Healing

Re: One weird archer template?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 7:30 pm
by zaferoff
uofuntime wrote:How is this weird? It's so run-of-the-mill. There are others already with this template, or with a slight difference. I used to have the exact same template (except without magery and 7x gm). But I switched swords for macing. Also, you have to keep in mind the swing time of the halberd right after the xbow is not insta hit. People can run, heal, you can miss (1/2 is a miss if the other is GM). But still it's an okay template and if you check some public chars on UOSA other people have it.
Hmm never seen anyone with it but, I'll talk to the guild and see what they say. By the way how much does a vial of blood go for now?

Re: One weird archer template?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:00 pm
by MatronDeWinter
GM Anatomy and drop hide to 80 (or less)

Why sacrafice Healing and Attack-Damage for a few extra points to hide.

Re: One weird archer template?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:18 am
by zaferoff
MatronDeWinter wrote:GM Anatomy and drop hide to 80 (or less)

Why sacrafice Healing and Attack-Damage for a few extra points to hide.