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Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:42 am
by SVrider
Greetings chumbucket & Associates,

Hypothetically speaking there's a thief being built, a thief who not only wants to steal from the rich but also wants the potential to one day ensure housing security & other related activities. Basically this thief wants to be well rounded. At this point in time he probably has GM stealing/snooping/hiding/stealth. I was curious what might round this guy out. This morning i was thinking lockpicking, maybe detect hidden in case they ever find myself in a house with lockdowns (but i just started playing so i'm not entirely sure how that system works, but don't come looking for my house ;)) anyways, just thought some tips from ya'lls favorite builds wouldn't hurt or maybe something your guild pushes for to spice up a recruit or at least give them a foot in the door so to speak.

anywho, thanks in advance for the insight- happy hunting

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:34 am
by Populus

Go with what fits you best. After some experience in UO, you can craft your own template.

Good luck.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:03 pm
by applejack
If you're interested in house looting, I would throw gm magery into your template for sure. Personally I think wrestling is a must for any stealth thief. After that, you have a small amount of skill to work with which can be flexible based upon your preference. Resist, med, tracking, lockpicking or a combination of a couple of these (you can include wrestling in your less than gm hybrid mix I suppose... 70 or 80 can be effective, but I would gm it) will work.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:05 pm
by Downs
tracking is amazing if you're looking for people in dungeons

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:10 pm
by SVrider
well if i have a mage to roll around with or gate me , is wrestling still 'a must'. is lockpickin a must for house loots? and does detect hidden come in handy more so than trackin?

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:39 pm
by Downs
lockpicking is a waste for a thief character IMO. most houses do not have locked chests, and if they do i'd bring in my treasure hunter to pick the lock.

For my stealther thief
GM stealing
GM snooping
GM stealth
GM magery
GM meditation
GM wrestling
65ish tracking (i drop trapped boxes, so it helps to find people)
Rest into resist spells

That build makes you versatile enough for almost any thief related situation. You're not gonna kill anyone, but thats not what being a thief is all about.

You got magery to gate TG's loot out of their tower; stealing, snooping, and stealth for obvious reasons; meditation to gain mana faster; wrestling to escape BPD pretending to pvp; and tracking to find people to kill/steal from in dungeons & the wilderness.

we hypothetically look forward to your future application, possible $$$ spy!

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:36 pm
by MatronDeWinter
Wrestling should be absolutely mandatory. It is perhaps, the most important skill in the game.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:15 pm
by SVrider
right on. i appreciate the insight and currently aborting the LPing & hiring a pally to repeatedly punch in the face. still h8in meditation tho, but sounds efficient in many ways. ty all

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:36 pm
by MatronDeWinter
Meditation/Mage/Wrestle will allow you to survive virtually any attack from 2 (or less) people. You can sit there and mini heal/potion through their drops, dodge their weapons with wrestle, all while merrily robbing them blind. Toss stealth into the equation and you are ALWAYS 1 invis item away from a complete escape. Meditation is so much more important than resist it's not even funny.

Realistically, skills like lockpick/detect/remove don't belong on a "thief", those are more "rogue" skills. Since UOSA dungeons are relatively empty, T2A dungeon chests are openable from 1 tile, and t-maps are often in obscure areas, there is really no need to ever have remove. Detect can be fun as a griefer skill, but it gets in the way of a player-thief template.

Lockpick is best kept on your tmapper.

Like mentioned above, tracking will rock your socks.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:07 am
by Pacifico
Most of my house looting come from tracking; finding people and stealthing on screen and checking if the house they are in are new or not.

Also, I find people hidden around the world with tracking who think they are safe, with magery its nice to reveal them and bring over monsters that spawn around the world to do your dirty work = loot. (usually thunter/bards who needed to go afk real quick)

I only have 45 tracking on my guy, which is about 2-4 screens

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:48 am
by Pro
seems like tracking is more effort than it's worth

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:57 am
by Downs
absolutely, you can get by on like 50-70 tracking and have room to be mediocre at something else.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:52 am
by SVrider
so once stealth is gm, drop hiding and rely on invis magery style~ didn't know that one was possible. magery/med/wrest/stealth/stealin/snoopin/ then trackin for rockin socks. i can totally support such a build ~ though meditation has been a royally exhausting skill to raise while dodging the 'PKin' wife bot'

i need RL stealth

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:49 pm
by MatronDeWinter
You could do that, but hiding is really convienent.

The template I use is...

90 Hiding
100 Stealing
100 Snooping
100 Stealth
90 Magery
70 Med
100 Wrestle
50 Tracking

or the same with 90 wrestle and gm hide. Consider this, PvP tank mages can spam mini-heal, and cast G-heal nonstop basically with 100 med 100 int. They also cast offensive spells. Since you don't need offense, you will never use the same amount of mana as they would. 70 med is just fine to survive.

Re: Hypothetically speaking..

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:28 am
by Boudoir
I have rather the same template as Matron, except for Snooping.

Since the patch in June that killed the stealth-thieft template, I moved to a "tank-thieft" activity. Snooping is now useless and I changed it to Detect Hidden, for griefing purpose.

Hide/Stealth is now for escaping, no longer for attacking a target.

I also find that 90 in magery is enough.