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Wanting a T hunter guide carto guide from 50-100 please..

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:52 pm
by Oddeye
wanting a cartography guide 50-100 wanting to know how to macro and everything that is needed and where I get it thanks

Re: Wanting a T hunter guide carto guide from 50-100 please..

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:42 pm
by a Red Eminem
I also would like to know how to macro Cartography. Can anyone please explain ow to macro Cartography, and Lock Picking?

a Red Eminem

Re: Wanting a T hunter guide carto guide from 50-100 please..

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:27 am
by akeba
I've been macroing carto lately.. its hard to do though because a blank map doesn't have a different item name in Razor than a used map. Basically my macro involves hanging out next to a vendor that sells blank maps.. making sure they are starting off with a few hundred in stock, buying 123 of them (since your bag can only contain 125 total items and maps are individual), running carto while hidden on all of them, selling back all the successes, and buying a new round of blank maps. There is already a guide that describes which maps to make for your skill level.

This type of macro breaks very easily if you dont have the vendor trapped, or if you run the vendor out of blank maps and you start filling your inventory with useless route maps (i.e. britain to skara brae, etc). Its much simpler to just macro carto while you are playing on another account.

My t-hunter is just under 90 carto now.. after a few days of this nonsense.

Re: Wanting a T hunter guide carto guide from 50-100 please.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:34 pm
by Eastwood
Right now this is my new least favorite skill to level.

I stocked my house with 12k blank maps, in bags of 100. That sucks.

I just pick up a bag, set the cartography macro, come back to the computer about 18 minutes later, dump those blank maps in the trash, grab a new bag, and start again.

I'm tempted to try to make a macro involving restocking, organizing, so I could let it run over night but I don't know if I could write this macro and it would probably hang up all the time and throw away good maps.

I used to think lockpicking is the last skill I would ever drop on a character, I am thinking cartography might replace this. Lockpicking took 3 weeks to get from 95-100, but I actually enjoyed it in hindsight and am tempted to do it again.

Re: Wanting a T hunter guide carto guide from 50-100 please.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:58 pm
by nightshark

Re: Wanting a T hunter guide carto guide from 50-100 please.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:02 pm
by Eastwood
I've combed over that thread a lot, I'm thinking I should have done it that way.

If I find my map supply runs out while I'm in the 90s I'll finish it up with that method.