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EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:48 pm
by BlackFoot
evs arent behaving the same way I remember, could be wrong

What I remember from osi lich lord room -
- lure lich lord to the ledge, cast an ev on the ledge and it would sit up there killing the lich lord wihtout being dispelled, you sit up on the ledge back a few tiles
lich dies
you run up and dispell it before it attacks the other people in the room.

isnt working like that, tried for about half an hour and couldnt get it to work

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:22 am
by Faust
The problem is the wacky RunUO movement/pathfinding for the AI. Lich Lords will often move left and right instead of standing still like they would back in the day when becoming stuck. This problem causes the Energy Vortex to walk down the ledge and get dispelled. I'm really hoping Batlin decompiles the AI path movement here one of these days since no server has ever remotely come close to replicating it in the free shard community.

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:27 am
by Kryptonical
this would be amazing if it could be fixed cause I had this same issue and couldnt figure out why. (nice to know why thought)

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:56 pm
by Ganondorf
Faust wrote:The problem is the wacky RunUO movement/pathfinding for the AI. Lich Lords will often move left and right instead of standing still like they would back in the day when becoming stuck. This problem causes the Energy Vortex to walk down the ledge and get dispelled. I'm really hoping Batlin decompiles the AI path movement here one of these days since no server has ever remotely come close to replicating it in the free shard community.
What do you want to decompile ?? RunUO is opensource iirc, nothing to decompile there, the source is open for everyone.

Sphere had the simple A* algorithm used on osi servers, it's a standard algorithm well known and teached to any computer scientist. And i remember A* being used on OSI as well, the lich for example would not just walk back and forth (greedy pathfinding algorithm) but he would try to find a path around the obstacle. For example at a GY it would walk all the way to the door, open it, and then come out.

This means that if there is no path he would stand still (like you remember him doing on OSI) if he's using an A* instead of trying to make one step and looking for a path one step furhter, and then going back which is the behavior of a greedy algorithm.

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:34 am
by Faust
Definitely not talking about RunUO since we all know it's an open source emulation of Ultima Online... talking about the original OSI code that Batlin has cracked during many of his projects. RunUO does not use any of the original algorithms that OSI used for the game.

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:27 am
by MatronDeWinter
Either way, OSI (t2a era) did not use the A* alg. This is demonstrated most notably, by the ability to trap a monster between yourself and a single obstacle. For instance, it is not uncommon to see t2a pictures of the Terrathan Keep, with 3 rows of monsters all lined up like a train behind one of the 3 stalagmite barriers with a player in the middle on the other side.

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:47 pm
by Ganondorf
Faust wrote:Definitely not talking about RunUO since we all know it's an open source emulation of Ultima Online... talking about the original OSI code that Batlin has cracked during many of his projects. RunUO does not use any of the original algorithms that OSI used for the game.
I think the RunUO devs would be better off making their own version instead of decompiling osi code. Decompiled code is usually trash and hard to understand.

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:22 pm
by Faust
RunUO's goal is not to replicate the game in any way shape or form like we are doing here... The goal of RunUO is actually quite irrelevant to us and it still leaves the fact that their algorithms are worthless for this shard that is actually aiming to replicate the original game unlike their goal of 'making the game better based on their ideas and philosophy' over at RunUO. The decompiled code of the original game content done by Batlin is actually quite the opposite far from being trash and readability is to each his own based on their understanding of the code it was written in rather it's the scripts or assembly. A very good example is the very inaccurate version of the teleport spell in the RunUO code that no other shard besides us has recreated. The code for this spell in RunUO does not match ANY time period of Ultima Online, period. However, we have the very memorable version that allows you to teleport onto West Britain Bank roof using the same tactics that was used on OSI production shards. This can't be done with RunUO's very inaccurate code. The pathing algorithm is just another example of RunUO's useless code that needs fixed here along with many others.

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:06 pm
by Ganondorf
Faust wrote:RunUO's goal is not to replicate the game in any way shape or form like we are doing here... The goal of RunUO is actually quite irrelevant to us and it still leaves the fact that their algorithms are worthless for this shard that is actually aiming to replicate the original game unlike their goal of 'making the game better based on their ideas and philosophy' over at RunUO. The decompiled code of the original game content done by Batlin is actually quite the opposite far from being trash and readability is to each his own based on their understanding of the code it was written in rather it's the scripts or assembly. A very good example is the very inaccurate version of the teleport spell in the RunUO code that no other shard besides us has recreated. The code for this spell in RunUO does not match ANY time period of Ultima Online, period. However, we have the very memorable version that allows you to teleport onto West Britain Bank roof using the same tactics that was used on OSI production shards. This can't be done with RunUO's very inaccurate code. The pathing algorithm is just another example of RunUO's useless code that needs fixed here along with many others.
Yeah and you would still be better off finding out if they were using A* and what approximation of it and just rewrite it in a few days than trying to decompile some code that is not readable (it is not a subjective matter if code is readable or not, if the variables are named a1, a2.. a1000 instead of meaningful names it's less readable than proper code). Also i doubt they used assembler, more likely c or c++. You can look at the decompiled code and see if you can understand what was going on, sure, and if you manage to do that, you sure have some mad coding skills. Now that you name it, is there a link to this code ? I'd like to see how it looks so maybe then we can discuss the matter better once i properly know the subject.

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:09 am
by Faust
The demo was decompiled by Batlin over a year ago and some of the informaton can be read over at Derrick's alternate project JoinUO

The scripts were decompiled in C and they dont cover everything based on the game. The rest of the projects have to be slowly and tediously interpreted through the assembly process such as one of the most recent large projects for the original combat swing timer code that OSI used. There was a recent post in the suggestions & era accuracy section of the forums here discussing mini heal. I posted the code for the script inside of that thread that can provide you with an example of what one of the decompiled scripts look like from the project. Batlin is the genious behind this project and I'm by no means an expert on the matter. I have just helped with various projects/research and most of the credit goes to him.

Re: EVs - lich lord ledge

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:32 pm
by Ganondorf
Ok the decompiled code has variable names, so it is somewhat useful. I guess we can look up the pathing algorithm somewhere.