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Possible Addition to the Events List

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:18 pm
by Milford Cubicle
These ideas were from a previous freeshard I used to play, they were lots of fun.

1) There was a "gauntlet." It was free for use, just for fun, but every now and then there was a race that was held. It had 2 sides, identical on both sides, that 2 participants would run through, and the first one to the other side wins. The gauntlet consisted of twists and turns, and if you stepped into the black area (the area where the gauntlet floor was not) you would be teleported to the beginning. There was also parts where, like in Hyloth, you had to walk a certain path or would step on a tile that would teleport you back. Lots of fun.

2) There was another "gauntlet" type thing where you would go into a room, and on the wall would be a sign with a trivia question. You say the answer, which wouldn't be seen by other players, and it would teleport you to another room with another trivia question. There would be about 10 questions, possibly progressively harder, and then a final room, which was about 3x bigger than the other rooms, there would be a chest, with a few nice rewards. A check for some gold, an item, maybe some nice weapons. Once everybody came into the room, a boss-like NPC would be spawned. One I remember had the boss as "Michael Jackson" and he had some minions called "a little boy" or something like that. Michael himself was probably 2x harder than an ancient wyrm. His 'special' move was Earthquake and he hit basically as hard as an AW. He also had the harrower-type thing where he would suck a random person right on top of him every minute or so. The minions were about as hard as a lich lord. Those were tons of fun. They had random gifts on them. On this particular shard there were random hair dyes and beard dyes, etc... Maybe on here, but not as common, 1-5 point trophies, and when the boss dies, maybe a few more on there. Or whatever Derrick would consider would be fair.

3) There were also some events catering to full fledge rogues. There was one, I remember, that made you stealth around, steal a key from the right person, lockpick some chests, remove a trap, loot another key to a door, stealth through some more mobs. I can't remember it all, but it was good fun.

Maybe these will spark ideas, or be added, possibly. Just some suggestions for events :)

Re: Possible Addition to the Events List

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:37 pm
by Maahes
Thanks for the ideas Milford! number one sounds a little like the maze race we should be having soon, its all ready to go just need to find a time :) You other ideas also sound interesting and will definetly be looked into for future events.

Re: Possible Addition to the Events List

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 11:09 pm
by Dashiva
Actucally, I love the 3rd idea.
It could be expanded to be a very unique and rewarding event, perhaps for other archtypes as well.