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Urks Are Plotting...

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:28 am
by morganm
All Concerned,

One of the green-skins sent me a note. He wanted me to pass the word along that they are holding a few events that are posted on the Player Run Events bulletin board. I would urge our officers and leadership to read them and try to understand a more broad plot... the Urk said these events were leading up to a bigger event... and that somehow DG was to be involved.

He also mentioned that specific Dungeon Guards will be higher priority targets and their corpses may be picked clean if the fall. There were no reasons cited for this nor names mentioned. I replied that we had been debating how to engage Urks and that there was no certainty at this point and that I would relay his message.

Good day.

Re: Urks Are Plotting...

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:31 pm
by Spitfire
Here's the link for the events:


They don't mention DG specifically. If they plan on dry looting us when we fight, that's ok with me, I think we should do the same. Bring it on, swine!

Re: Urks Are Plotting...

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:04 pm
by morganm
Here'd what the note said...
I just read your post about urks at your town. Well written. That would be our new stealth archers..They are a sneaky bunch and one never knows where they will turn up next. Also Check the forum section for Player run events. Were having a few events this week that will lead up to 1 big one but be carful..we are out for blood on 1 or 2 of em and we wont ask for the regular tribute like we normaly do , and on at least 1 were taking all we can, so if any DG is going to attend these pass the word dont take anything you dont want to lose. I personally like RPing with you guys and dont want anyone hateful if they lose things. Besides us urks may all die then you can loot the snot out of us hohoho
Now that I've re-read it.... sounds like at one or two of the EVENTS they will be looting. Not that they are targeting 1 or 2 members of DG.