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DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:43 am
by Kryptonical
This DarkWing abusive mod power trip has gotten WAY out of hand.

First he gets banned from second age by nevermore for being a jack ass to the staff... then I said "Finally" while in the second age channel...and he kicks me from the uoh channel. I confront him and he goes on a power trip and bans me (a few times) then multiple other GUILDMATES stand up for this and tell him hes being a jackass, and guess what...he bans/kicks MULTIPLE members of UOH...the guild he is in.

Either way this has to stop. whether he be de-op'd for his absolute abuse of his powers, or completely kicked from the guild because well...hes just kind of a power hungry asshole.

Either way, something needs to be done.

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:48 am
by iamreallysquall
hes acting like a little child as i write this. Rather then use 'ignore' hes power tripping, and it's not the first time hes taken his personal problems into the uoh channel and unrightfully banned someone from it. i have all the irc logs of this. i wont be logged out by the time you wake up so just ask. he has no justifiable reason for any kicking he is doing right now.

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:49 am
by DarkWing
iamreallysquall wrote:hes acting like a little child as i write this. Rather then use 'ignore' hes power tripping, and it's not the first time hes taken his personal problems into the uoh channel and unrightfully banned someone from it. i have all the irc logs of this. i wont be logged out by the time you wake up so just ask. he has no justifiable reason for any kicking he is doing right now.
you have proof of these aligatiions?

i didn't think so

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:52 am
by iamreallysquall
DarkWing wrote:
iamreallysquall wrote:hes acting like a little child as i write this. Rather then use 'ignore' hes power tripping, and it's not the first time hes taken his personal problems into the uoh channel and unrightfully banned someone from it. i have all the irc logs of this. i wont be logged out by the time you wake up so just ask. he has no justifiable reason for any kicking he is doing right now.
you have proof of these aligatiions?

i didn't think so

? i am in the channel you tool. lol i have all the irc logs from uoh up to this moment, plus the things you said when you kicked me as well. :) grow up

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:54 am
by ShastaMcNasty
So i'm just sitting here trying to to talk with some guildmates in irc while i id some loot, and its quickly beginning to become a nuisance. I don't understand exactly wtf is going on DW, but this is nuts. It has got to stop.

Guildies shouldn't be kicked or banned from the room. Period. Its ruining my fun. You can't kick people just because you don't agree with them.

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:58 am
by Kryptonical
Kryptonical was kicked by DarkWing (cya tomorrow)
<marmalade> its not really my place to say since im not in uoh
<marmalade> but it is pretty dumb if you ask me
<@DarkWing> krypt has been chapping my hide the last couple of days
<Lelouche> you can clearly see
<Lelouche> and its not your first time you have done this
<Lelouche> you took the trade channel argument and just kicked me / banned me from here for 0 reason
<marmalade> just because someone thinks you're an asshole (justifiable) doesn't really give you the right to powertrip massively
<marmalade> especially if hes a guildmate and has just a much right to be in this channel as you
<Lelouche> and called me a scamer and you have done this before and its just childish if you have a problem with what he said pm him rather the
* DarkWing sets mode: +m
<Lelouche> abuse your powers to remove him because you dont like what he said

This is towards the end of his power trip...I believe this time he perma banned me from the channel...still unsure of what his justification is, But this is just a very small preview as to what DarkWing is doing with UOH.

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:01 am
by DarkWing
well i'll be damned if i am gonna listen to a bunch of crap from some punk kids ..

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:04 am
by iamreallysquall
DarkWing wrote:well i'll be damned if i am gonna listen to a bunch of crap from some punk kids ..
pot calling the kettle black grow up

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:36 am
by son

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:05 am
by morganm
Man... it's prolly been a decade since I've seen IRC drama like this.. good times... good times...

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:18 am
by Downs
cA is pleased to announce a new home for UoH to be free from the tyrannical reign of mr Duck's IRC power trip! Please join #UOSAUoH today! A fairly moderated channel for everyone to discuss dungeon hunts and blackfoot's colored masks!

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:23 am
by BlackFoot
The UoH rare spawning mafia will be holding a round table to discuss said situation. Stay tuned

ps: if anyone else bans anyone else in the uoh room i will be dispensing out unflattering guild titles.

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:55 am
by BlackFoot
The job of an operator in the UoH channel is to maintain an open channel free from spam/bots and other intrusive users. It is not a privilege to be used for anything else.
Operators should not be using their abilities for comedy, entertainment, personal vendettas or any other reason.

The channel has been open to anyone for over two years and will remain open to anyone regardless of yours or my personal opinions/feelings on that user.
If they are not being disruptive they are welcome. Disagreeing with you, the operator, is not them being disruptive. Having diverging opinions is not being disruptive. Insulting each other and engaging in other witty banter is not being disruptive.

The increasing amount of kicks and bans in the logs for very apparent personal reasons is discouraging.
While the bans and kicks have not been permanent they are obviously disruptive and unnecessary causing more problems than the users were to begin with.

These are currently the players with operator status.

(9:57:08 AM) W: (notice) Owner Blackfoot Here Normal Never
(9:57:08 AM) W: (notice) Op Cataclysm 50w, 2d Normal Never
(9:57:08 AM) W: (notice) Op DarkWing 5h, 9m Normal Never
(9:57:08 AM) W: (notice) Op Freeza Here Normal Never
(9:57:08 AM) W: (notice) Op HernandoKortez 1y, 24w Normal Never
(9:57:08 AM) W: (notice) Op MatronWinter 1y, 20w Normal Never
(9:57:08 AM) W: (notice) Op r0b 42w, 3d Normal Never
(9:57:08 AM) W: (notice) Op sandpoptart 1y, 4d Normal Never
(9:57:08 AM) W: (notice) ----------------End (8 rows)------------------

Its easy to see that most barely, if ever, even need to log into their irc accounts to keep the channel running smoothly.

The worst thing a moderator can do is moderate. It should be an absolute last resort, not the first thing you turn to when your bored or you don't like the way a conversation is going.

This entire topic/drama goes against everything I/uoh stands for. The status of our current operators will be changing as I deem necessary to keep the room running properly.

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:05 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
I am not in the guild but let me say recent events have put DW on wits end as he has been the target of cA psychological torture and may because of it have a hard time distinguishing friend from foe...(because they are everywhere).

I will only add that I have no place to say anything nor do I take any side in this war which has undoubtedly had some effect on DW. A war brews betwixt the two parties and where cA has not only their guild but their fanbase to support them Darkwing stands alone. I am not going into a who's right, who's wrong in this but only stating the obvious, and requesting at least some sympathy upon Darkwing concerning his current circumstances before passing any judgement.

cA messed up DW pretty bad. The best way for him to calm down is to get a handle on the situation I would think.

Re: DarkWing De-Op, preferably De-Guilded Request

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:07 pm
by Silent Killer
Downs wrote:cA is pleased to announce a new home for UoH to be free from the tyrannical reign of mr Duck's IRC power trip! Please join #UOSAUoH today! A fairly moderated channel for everyone to discuss dungeon hunts and blackfoot's colored masks!
This is a great statement.. Now, a place to be free to talk about whatever, and not have to worry about unfair kicking/banning from the tyrant known as DarkWing