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A Call for Revenge!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:59 am
by Denvarin
Hail Adventurers!

I Denvarin was recently slain while passed out from hours of Anatomy lessons. I call upon all those stronger than I to avenge my death. The Scoundrel goes by the name Chase! While passed out on the streets of Sara Brae I was brutally murdered and looted of all my belongings! I am new to this land and cannot offer much, but the Gold I have remaining will surely be yours!
Chase was last seen fleeing the guards of Skara Brae. Use caution!

Once you have slain Chase, bring me his head and all my gold will be yours. I hope to replenish my supply so the bounty will continue to grow!

Travel safely friends!

Re: A Call for Revenge!

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:45 am
by Dead Rabbit
How much for his head