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Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:00 pm
by Bornhold
Hey All,

I am trying to figure out what the best template is for a straight up fisherman. No hybrid mixes to best help me fish up those SOS's. Just what a real fisherman would have had in this medieval time. Any suggestions? Other than the obvious, I am looking at cooking, archery... I am having trouble deciding. Anyone have any good ideas?

Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:53 pm
by Sanctum
As an RP would make since to me to use this template. I say this because I'm sure fishermen back then made their own fishing poles (Carpentry and Tailoring) and were able to make camp fires and cook their fish (Camping and Cooking). The Musicianship is for the bored fisherman who simply wants to enjoy life, and what "scruff fisherman" back then couldn't fight like a man, with his fists?


Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:03 pm
by SighelmofWyrmgard
Sanctum's ideas are rather good, but only if you never leave a guardzone: even fishing from shore, you'll still be subject to attack from water elementals and the occasional sea serpent, plus whatever groundspawn appears in the region; Wrestling alone will perhaps help you run away, but nothing more.

I can offer some considerations:

100 Intelligence will actually give any character, with 0.0 Cooking skill developed, about 34ish points of Ability; cooking a stack of 1000 raw fish steaks, this character will typically fail and lose 1 steak, fail again and lose a 2nd, and then succeed and walk away with 998 cooked fish steaks ...

Stat-bonuses to Camping will provide something similar: failing does not destroy the tinder, and you will eventually get the campfire lit.

What I am saying is that, while you will be using those Abilities with some regularity, you don't neccessarily need to use (m)any skill points: these saved skill points can be diverted elsewhere, perhaps to fighting/survival skills.

If you're on the water, fighting will require ranged attacks.

So, if you want an "Outdoorsman" type of character, perhaps consider a variation on either of these templates, I have styled Tinker, and Forester; insert Fishing/Outdoorsman-type skills in place of the crafts skills, and perhaps substitute Archery as the weapons skill.

Alternatively, swap out the lore and crafts skills on the pure Mage template to create a Fisher-Mage.

If you still feel like you might need to short some skills, I've offered an overview of most points of consideration here.

Good luck to you.


EDIT: P.S. referring to Sanctum's inclusion of Musicianship: all Bard Skills are dependent 50/50 on Musicianship, so GM Musicianship all-on-its-own imparts 50% base success in Enticement, Peacemaking, and Provocation; this isn't really useful in terms of any kind of primary capability, but Sanctum's template doesn't have to run away completely from the ogre and the troll, merely "dance" them until Provocation returns a success.


Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:36 pm
by Sanctum
I like the ideas, Sighelm. However, they wanted a roleplay "straight up" fisherman, which I assumed meant more of a townie, dock fisherman with an occasional trip out to sea.

Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:52 am
by archaicsubrosa77 the harpoons
Fishing... of course
Cartography...chart your course, find the buried treasure
Tactics...for naval combat against pirates you can navigate the sea like the back of your hand :lol:
Healing...because there are no house calls made at sea, you learned to sew your own stitches from fishing line locate and hunt the sea serpents due to unnatural disturbances of fishing areas in revenge of your last crew and ship lost to the salty wyrms.

the 50/50 musicianship to bard with is Bull as far as the optimism goes. You make two checks one for music and the other for the skill true. But if your dex gives you 8.3 or whatever your real chance is 8.3 after a successful music roll. You know what your odds with that are...that's right....not very good :lol: I mean it's possible, but I would think highly irritating.

I mean why not have anatomy and just run circles around things until you get a successful bandage :lol:
I dont know about anyone else but I dont think I ever failed the music check at GM but had provocation. I would actually drop music lower then provocation if I had to choose...if not go 50 50 with them at the very least. Which I think would give you about one out of eight as far as successes go I'd imagine rather then >8 percent each attempt.

Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:34 pm
by Mikel123
Guys, please stop the personal attacks. Your first post each was helpful and useful; the rest were long personal attacks that were short on content. This is officially the first time I've used my superleetmodpowers, so please cool it.

I trained barding skills a long time ago, and haven't seen any patch notes to refute what I'm about to say, so I will assume it holds.

There are two checks to successfully provoke; one checks your music skill and the second checks your provoke skill. As far as I know, both are a straight-up percentage play. So if your music skill is 67.4, you have a 67.4% chance to succeed the music check. Note that you only get to make a provoke check if you succeed the music check. So if you begin a character at 50/50 and macro him up, you'll notice music goes faster than provoke because it's checked every time, while provoke is only checked upon music successes.

This is also why I'd recommend GMing music before working on provoke. You can check music by double-clicking the instrument. There is a 1-second action delay here, so you can do this literally 10x faster than you could if you checked music (& maybe provoke) by actually provoking stuff with the 10-second skill delay.

As for the wiki, if it says (M+P)/200, it's incorrect for what we have on UOSA. I'd suggest editing it for now, and if you have recollections of that being the formula back in the day, by all means research it. I'd be curious.

Also, I believe Stratics had some notes for some skills like Magery and Provoke having only 99% success rates at the highest levels. I believe this is in error and was probably due to people miscasting, misclicking, lagging, etc. We have 100% success here at the appropriate skill levels (100/100 music provoke, 90.1 for level 6 spells, 70.1 for level 4 spells, etc).

Btw, last thing... your chance of successfully provoking is thus Music chance times Provoke chance. So if Music is 80.0 and Provoke is 60.0, your chance of a successful provoke is:

(80/100) * (60/100) = 48%

Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:40 pm
by Mikel123
Also, one more thing... on the topic of lowering one skill over the other... I wouldn't advise having either skill below 100, but if you must, you're best off having the skills at an equal level. Why? Let's look at some examples:

100/100 * 40/100 = 40% with 140 skill points
90/100 * 50*100 = 45% with 140 skill points
80/100 * 60/100 = 48% with 140 skill points
70/100 * 70/100 = 49% with 140 skill points

Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:09 am
by archaicsubrosa77
There could be a few builds I think that are pretty complete that have a hundred points to spare to go 50/50 and provoke 25% of the time just as an added perk such as putting it on a dungeon dexxer. Everyone hates GMing the skill anyway :lol:

I am almost glad this fight happened actually, we all got to learn a few things.

Thanks Mike.

Now who is going to fix the Wikki...?

Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:40 pm
by SighelmofWyrmgard
I am pleased to become enlightened on this issue, particularly for the specific game-mechanics clarification I had asked for, before the discussion became degraded: I don't know which would be era-accurate, but I am satisfied to learn that this is the true algorithm in operation here. I'll also acknowledge that there are a few instances of error in the Stratics content, here, there and everywhere: sometimes, their guidelines have been demonstrated to be rather flawed; however, generally speaking, they do provide a reliable resource which can not be rejected without proper evidence.

On this issue I still wonder a little about the "cryptic" quote attributed to Derrick, remarking that there is still a chance of failure.

Given Mikel's information, 50/50 would indeed be slightly better, as Musicianship would include additional ability, derived from stat values.

Interestingly, this all deals with a minor side-issue, pertaining to something mentioned in someone else's reply, and is largely irrelevant to the topic outlined in the OP.


Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:28 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
I think the chance of failure is on like a natural one in either.
I haven't GMed bard skills this time around but at GM before I still failed occasionally.

What was said was not off topic...I stated that it was better having 50/50 or at least some skill in provocation then none at all.

I was sparing the grief of having 100 music without any real benefit.

And according to the Wikki that made me stupid :lol:

Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:52 am
by Whitfield
I'm working on a similar character right now. In terms of weapon skills, I like fencing for a RP type fisherman. The long spear looks great fending off sea serpents and is much more historically accurate than most of the other melee weapons. Archery is a useful skill, but I don't think that many fisherman would have carried a bow with them.

Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:05 pm
by Lucifuge
Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I just recently made a fisherman but I don't really want to spend the time getting his melee up. What do you guys think about just GMing musicianship and peacemaking so I can make a clean getaway from sea serpents and other monsters? Last night I got attacked by a water elemental while on my boat, I tried to sail away from it but when it was touching the back of the boat, the tillerman just kept saying 'arr we've stopped' even though it wasn't blocking the way. Plus I cant drift left or right fast enough so I just get totally handcuffed. If I can get it to wander away for a second or two, I should be able to get away.

Re: Best roleplaying fisherman template

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:47 am
by Daemonne
Sorry, had to.

Was thinking a decent template for Fisherman would be
Cooking-100 (cannot remember, can you start a campfire on a boat?)
-Resist- 50 (water eles and serpents cast anything strong enough to need resist?)
Oh, and I am surprised that I didn't see(notice) a key element for the fisherman template. Bottles of Alchohol!!

This template is if you have another toon for T-mapping.

One question, which I could probably just wait until I got home and test it out when I get a boat. Can you recall onto boats? I seem to remember being able to but I can't say 100% for sure.
Nevermind, Checked the Wiki on ships and found my answer. :-)