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Lumberjacking "you can't use an axe on that"

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:03 pm
by Alex the Artist
I'm getting that message WAY more than I use to. Even when targeting many of the tree trunks. Not a lumberjack breaking issue. But it's still a pain to have to target the tree up to five times before you find a spot on the tree that actually counts.

Re: Lumberjacking "you can't use an axe on that"

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:03 pm
by Segellion
I have been a longtime chopper of wood, on Atlantic I made all of my income from supplying people with Lumber. I was ostracized by friends and family because I paid a monthly fee to chop trees.. and at one time I had the title "Legendary Lumber Supplier of OSI"

I assure you, there is nothing wrong with the lumberjack system.


Make sure your circle of transparency is turned off, as even if it may look like it's turned off it will cause you to target the ground.

Re: Lumberjacking "you can't use an axe on that"

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:07 pm
by Eastwood
I dunno, I sort of noticed what Alex is talking about.

It's not huge, just seems like a handful more trees do it than I was used to.

Re: Lumberjacking "you can't use an axe on that"

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:11 pm
by Alex the Artist
I should have added, it's new. I've chopped a lot of wood here, and it's since the last patch that I noticed the change.

Re: Lumberjacking "you can't use an axe on that"

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:47 am
by Derrick
interesting, there are some issues with using tools related to the last patch, i.e having to have the tool in your bag, but I am not able to reproduce this problem.