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A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:13 pm
by Sexy Smithy
A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

A vile pestilence has been creeping forth into the lands of Britannia as of late. Harkening forth from yonder watery cesspools, dreaded pirates have been seeking to gain purchase upon thy lands! Luckily, for thee, they still have their sea legs and aren’t accustomed to walking on land. You can tell their swarthy nature from their swaying stride. Beware citizens they are pure dreaded evil! Do not let them fool thee… They are brigands, murderers, and thieves.

Just last night our own honored Dungeon Guards sought to shelter the citizens of this great land during a hunting party. They sought to rid the land of the dreaded undead creatures in the catacombs of some forgotten lair. Unbeknownst to them, other dreaded creatures were plotting…

Infiltrating the hunting party, scoundrels disguised themselves as everyday citizens and acted as spies relaying information back to their dreaded marauders. They plotted and schemed against the Dungeon Guards and in the end, overwhelmed them with vast numbers of greasy-haired, unkempt pirates and magical creatures bent to their ill-will. It looked dim for the Dungeon Guards and the citizens of Britannia after this grievous defeat…

At this point, rumors were flying of pirates all over Britannia…no longer at sea! Whispers of a fortress stronghold with undead creatures walking around like everyday citizens were passed from wary ear to wary ear. The worst of these tales, though, was the one of the dastardly and unholy dreaded pirates seeking to build an Outpost in Britannia! Not just any Outpost, though, one at one of the magical Moongates of Britannia. These Moongates are the backbone of Britannia connecting all of the peoples and all of the cities. They sought to pain purchase at the most important of this fair lands Moongates. Yew Moongate.

Letting the Dreaded Pirates of the Darkwater gain such a purchase on the land simply could not be for the citizens of Britannia. Hearing the call for help to battle back this blight on the land, the citizens of Britannia came to do battle and along came the Dungeon Guards. But as the evening progressed, more and more of the citizens fell, never to awaken again. Many gated to their deaths at the hands of Unholy Balrons by the Vile Matron de Winter. At one point, it looked like the citizens of Britannia were going to beat the Pirates back, but then a Lady appeared amongst them… but this was no Lady my people! This was a woman fallen from grace! She proceeded to cast enchantments upon the fair citizens of Britannia trapping them and leaving them at the mercy of the Dreaded Pirates, but as we all know…Pirates have no mercy…it was beginning to look bleak indeed.

Nearby, a blacksmith sat in her castle blissfully unaware of the heart-wrenching battle taking was place. Unable to hear the clash of weapons over her smith’s hammer, she was bent to the task at hand. That is, until a ghost visited her and begged her to bring about a reckoning for this scourge that was seeking to engulf the lands of Britannia. The smith did not know what to do as she laid her smith’s hammer aside. She was no warrior. What could she do against 20 Dreaded Pirates and an evil enchantress masquerading as a Lady? And Unholy Balrons bent to the will of the Vile Matron de Winter!?!? She had friends, though…friends who would heed the call.

She immediately dispatched a pigeon to her good friend, the merchant Talus, seeking his most needed aid. True to form, he came with due haste and lay in wait, assessing the situation at hand and relayed information to his Blacksmith friend. As soon as the pigeon was away, though, the blacksmith grabbed her swiftest of foot horse and rode with reckless abandon towards the Dungeons Guards for salvation.

When she arrived, she found that they had all perished protecting the citizens of Britannia with their last dying breaths. All hope was lost. The clouds were rolling in. She collapsed in utter despair...

Then the clouds parted… A ray of sunshine made its way down to the hopeless blacksmith. Feeling the warmth on her face, she slowly raised her head and looked up and saw a lone knight galloping towards her in gleaming armor on a white steed. It was a beautiful sight to behold. He rode up, and looked around, his face grim. He asked her, “M’Lady, what has happened here? What horror has befallen my guild mates?” The smith told him, and without a moment’s hesitation, he rode to do battle with PoD. His eyes turning flinty and his face showing his resolve, he rode towards his sworn enemy…the dreaded Pirates of the Darkwater.

When he arrived, there were many of them and it looked bleak indeed. What could one man do against such overwhelming odds? What hope was there. As women and children huddled in the bushes clutching their crying babes trying to quiet them, EspeR rode right into the midst of the dreaded pirates. He battled them single-handedly 7v1 with thieving pirates seeking to part him from his supplies whilst he was fighting. The pirates laughed at first, but soon they stopped laughing…soon they started massing. Soon…they were dying to this lone hero.

Seeing this act of bravery unfold, the blacksmith entered the fray. Dodging cowardly thieves, she sought to have this hero’s back. The blacksmith’s friend, still hiding in the bushes, was emboldened by this act of bravery. When the Dreaded Pirates had been distracted enough by the lone hero, he called in reinforcements and managed to wrench back the area that the pirates sought to establish their outpost.

Enraged, the battle became even more heated as the pirates died over and over again. They just kept throwing themselves at this hero, despite their grievous losses. Soon, though, this hero from the Dungeon Guards chased off the pirates. For, as we all know, Dungeon Guards will never back down in the face of evil and this hero proved it as he defended the lands of Britannia against incredible odds. If not for this hero, a blacksmith, and a merchant not giving up hope…things could have been terrible indeed.

But for now, the Yew Moongate is safe again...

For now, the Dungeon Guards stand waiting...

For now, Britannia is still safe...

Re: A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From Thy Sea!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:34 pm
by GuardianKnight

Re: A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:31 am
by MatronDeWinter
What did I do exactly?

Re: A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:24 pm
by morganm
Finally took the time to read this. Thanks for taking the time to write up such a fine piece. Well done EspeR and everyone involved!

Matron: You and some others were gating to banks, running in, saying "OMG WTFBBQ IDOC SILVER MAD LEWTZ" and running back through. Then killing people as they gated into the trap.

Re: A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:32 am
by MatronDeWinter
morganm wrote:Finally took the time to read this. Thanks for taking the time to write up such a fine piece. Well done EspeR and everyone involved!

Matron: You and some others were gating to banks, running in, saying "OMG WTFBBQ IDOC SILVER MAD LEWTZ" and running back through. Then killing people as they gated into the trap.
That doesn't sound like something I would do.

Re: A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:29 pm
by Panthor the Hated
thats not much of a denial

Re: A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:30 pm
by morganm
Panthor the Hated wrote:thats not much of a denial
Because there's no denying it...


Re: A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:41 pm
by MatronDeWinter
That's probably not even me. A quick scan of tonights IRC will prove that there are many fake mes.

[21:35] <DocFaustus> Gonna name my next character Matrondewinter
[21:35] <Panthor> it would be bitle
[21:35] <Panthor> actually
[21:35] <Panthor> hitle
[21:35] <Panthor> but i dont knwo what hitling is
[21:35] <MatrondeWinter> You wouldn't be the first to think of that
[21:35] <MisterKister> !events
[21:35] <SecondAge> 1v1 PvP Tournament is scheduled to begin in 2 hours, 54 minutes. (2/16/2011 12:30:00 AM)
[21:36] <MatrondeWinter> Many people have ruined my otherwise credible name
[21:36] <Smoggleafk> gonna name mine hitlerdegerman
[21:36] <Panthor> i once made a forum account named MatrondeWinter

Re: A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:59 pm
by Panthor the Hated
ya thats prolly my keep anyways

its not like matron would spend the time needed to get balrons in a keep

Re: A Scourge Upon the Land is Crawling Forth From The Sea!

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:17 am
by Boondock_Saint
I must've missed this battle...

And those screen shots are nothing but forgeries! All I see is win.