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Order/Chaos system customized ...

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:37 pm
by Jaster
I have played quite a few free shards, played EA/OSI UO for over 10 years. One thing that I have noticed is that even though EA/OSI did not create UO to be a pvp game, pvp is a play style by a huge player base, especially on free shards. Players need something to keep them occupied at all times when they log on to keep them interested, regardless of what rule set etc.

The UOSA server rule set is great. Should not change (with the exception of 1 or 2 things). Certain things could be customized slightly to increase things to do from a pvp perspective at all times of the day, without GM assistance.

The Order/Chaos system is a great pvp system, except it does not offer any rewards other than hearing someone die and looting their corpse dry =). I think if magery did damage in town, it would spark more pvp and town raids of Order/Chaos guilds. It wouldn't really unbalance that is in the game right now by doing so. Also, I think Order/Chaos should have some sort of rank system, similar to the era of factions ... (I do not mean have someone the commanding lord etc, but a rank system based off of a kill to death ratio). It would give pvpers something to achieve. The current events are great, but they only happen at certain times throughout the day. This would allow players to have an organized pvp system outside of the GM run events. The trophys that are gained from events could also be used to award players of different ranks different Order/Chaos specific items which would allow everyone to physically see that they are at the top of their class (something as simple as a title, blessed robe/shirt).

I also think that the rewards from the trophys have to high point values and are not suited for all players of all play styles. There are trophys given from pvp events mainly, and the rewards all reflect rares collectors ... implementing the order/chaos change would allow pvpers to use their trophys for possible pvp items/looks, and non-pvpers or casual pvpers rares/looks.

Cater to different playstyles with possible rewards and make something unique that keeps people intrigued about the server other than just the rule set. I hate to compare different free shards, but as fast as this server has grown from my understanding, giving it something to keep players interested at anytime they log on, IMO, will help it to grow, and also keep veteran players here for long periods.

Re: Order/Chaos system customized ...

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:05 pm
by Faust
The great aspect of t2a when it comes to order/chaos should be the individual rivals between guilds. That is what I loved about pvp pre:uor. Having a rank system like factions simply diverts that to "how many points can I accumilate" today. The same sort of concept is in all other new online games now. Wow and DAOC are two great examples of this. Battlegrounds are nothing but a grind on points. This defeats the whole aspect of rivals between guilds that made pre:uor what it was.

On the subject of trophies and non-pvp events. This idea was brought up in another thread. Please read this link for this discussion and add any further input if you would like.

Re: Order/Chaos system customized ...

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:46 pm
by Jaster
I do understand what you are saying Faust. Order/Chaos isn't rival between guilds though, that is what warring is for. It was a choice of side. Why choose a side for little to no reason is my point. I would just like to see something automated that is going on at all times that players can be a part of to find pvp. Sure I know there are pk runs that we can do, order/chaos as it is (even though magery doesn't do damage in towns) ...

Points aside then, at least give Order/Chaos something to fight over for a purpose. The only reason people did Order/Chaos during this era was to see more oranges to kill. There are less than 10 guilds participating on this growing server. Perhaps more would participate and pvp would be easier to find without disrupting what this shard already has if there was some incentive (non-monetary, no points or rankings ...)

Perhaps territorial in Britain being as that is the home town of both Order/Chaos ...

I am sure there is something that can be thought of .... even if I can't ...

Re: Order/Chaos system customized ...

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:57 am
by kill drizitz
sounds like necessary evil.

Re: Order/Chaos system customized ...

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:04 pm
by Xukluk Tuguznal
Jaster wrote:I have played quite a few free shards, played EA/OSI UO for over 10 years. One thing that I have noticed is that even though EA/OSI did not create UO to be a pvp game, pvp is a play style by a huge player base, especially on free shards. Players need something to keep them occupied at all times when they log on to keep them interested, regardless of what rule set etc.

The UOSA server rule set is great. Should not change (with the exception of 1 or 2 things). Certain things could be customized slightly to increase things to do from a pvp perspective at all times of the day, without GM assistance.

The Order/Chaos system is a great pvp system, except it does not offer any rewards other than hearing someone die and looting their corpse dry =). I think if magery did damage in town, it would spark more pvp and town raids of Order/Chaos guilds. It wouldn't really unbalance that is in the game right now by doing so. Also, I think Order/Chaos should have some sort of rank system, similar to the era of factions ... (I do not mean have someone the commanding lord etc, but a rank system based off of a kill to death ratio). It would give pvpers something to achieve. The current events are great, but they only happen at certain times throughout the day. This would allow players to have an organized pvp system outside of the GM run events. The trophys that are gained from events could also be used to award players of different ranks different Order/Chaos specific items which would allow everyone to physically see that they are at the top of their class (something as simple as a title, blessed robe/shirt).

I also think that the rewards from the trophys have to high point values and are not suited for all players of all play styles. There are trophys given from pvp events mainly, and the rewards all reflect rares collectors ... implementing the order/chaos change would allow pvpers to use their trophys for possible pvp items/looks, and non-pvpers or casual pvpers rares/looks.

Cater to different playstyles with possible rewards and make something unique that keeps people intrigued about the server other than just the rule set. I hate to compare different free shards, but as fast as this server has grown from my understanding, giving it something to keep players interested at anytime they log on, IMO, will help it to grow, and also keep veteran players here for long periods.

ey? I thought hearing a human die was a great reward and the phat lewt is hotness. <- joking on the phat lewt part. But seriously why candy it up with so called rewards. People who want to pvp will and people who don't won't. It's pretty simple. Wars are for rival guilds but C/O is how you find them. Right TG! (shakes angry fist at TG) lol. Glad they stop by the fort when they do

Re: Order/Chaos system customized ...

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:30 pm
by Jaster
I edited my suggestion 2 posts below the OP basically claiming that I would like to find a way to get more consistent pvp at times other than during the designated Event time. It is rare to get any organized fights ...