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Pets guarding

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:39 pm
by Wappness
It seems after giving a command to guard to a pet it only stays in guard mode one kill. Should they not stay in guard until another command is given or you get out of site to pet. Seems to be doing with my mare. I will try with other pets but they should stay guarding i think.

Re: Pets guarding

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:54 pm
by Roser
There does seem to be something wrong here.

My pets (3 dragons) seem to forget to guard me after they have killed a few creatures.

I can even re issue the guard command to the forgetful pet with no success of guarding. I have to say "all stop" followed by "all guard me" to get this forgetful pet to listen.

Not long ago this was working in a way where the pet's would never forget a to guard, unless the tamer ran off screen.

Re: Pets guarding

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:40 pm
by Blackhaggie
From my understanding this is caused by runUO not allowing you to issue more than one command at a time. This is not the way it worked during t2a and unfortunately we'll have to bear with it for a bit. The creature AI and pet commands runUO uses are not from our era. Yes, you must use all stop before issuing the guard command after using any other command. All kill works also but that only allows 1 pet at a time to clear its previous command.

Rewriting Runuo's AI and pet code to better fit t2a era is a goal, but very time consuming and tedious from my understanding. We're always giving Derrick more things to fix and him and the other admins can only do so much within a given timeframe. Don't worry, it's on the list and I'm sure we will see this in a future patch notes.

Re: Pets guarding

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:47 pm
by nightshark
Recently went hunting with a few dragons and the guard command seemed broken, it was really frustrating and in the end I couldn't be bothered. I would have to constantly reissue the guard command and the pets were breaking the command every few seconds.

Re: Pets guarding

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 4:12 pm
by Tayness
I have experienced the same on the guard command being forgotton with addition of the all stop command only working for one pet as opposed to all of em. but this sounds like the same deal with the run uo problem stated before.

Re: Pets guarding

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 4:47 pm
by nightshark
Guard command seems completely broken. It seems as soon as one of the dragons actually acts on the guard command, it goes into a state of no longer guarding you.