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taming build?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:17 pm
by Berock Shagando to make a tamer here soon. From reading a few posts on here regarding a build and this is what I have come up with...

GM Taming
GM Anim Lore
GM Archery/Peacemaking
GM Tactics/Music
90 Magery
80 Vet
65 Med
65 Tracking

I would like to use archery for this guy because I can hit them from a distance while my pet is killin, just to get him down a little quicker. I was thinking of Peace and Music instead but I don't know if you can Peacemake and then immediately start taming or if you have to wait a while before using another skill...which would be pointless. Also, I'd like to use tracking to help me find what I'm looking to tame. But since I've never used tracking EVER, I don't know how useful 65 tracking would be. Or should I just 7x him?

Re: taming build?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:22 pm
by nightshark
I'm going to put out my opinion that archery & tact or music & peacemaking are both worthless on a tamer template.

Even if you could instantly use the animal taming skill after peacing a dragon, your next taming attempt is probably going to re-anger the dragon. WWs are very easy to tame since they don't anger, and won't begin to cast spells on you until you aggress them.

Archery and tactics are completely negated by the fact you could just add another dragon to your pack, and deal out three times as much DPS than you would get shooting a bow.

Go ahead and GM your other skills. Certainly pick up wrestling as well, it's going to save you 95% more of the time than tracking would.

This is the (unfinished) template my tamer uses:

Re: taming build?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:40 pm
by Berock Shagando
Very good points you have made. Would tracking be worth tossing out resist? Or would I need that? I was thinking resist wouldn't be too useful since you would have a pack of whatever keeping aggro. Just a thought? Feedback?

Re: taming build?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:26 am
by Caswallon
I run the same build as nightshark, its a high survival build in basically any situation. Some tracking can be usefull for mare scouting but its probably better to just have a dedicated scout for that.

Tracking is usefull thou, its the skill im working down last as vet has 20 points to GM and resist 6. If you want some tacking i would suggest leave vet at 80 and either resist or med at 70 or 80, that gives you 40-50 points, enough to track 3-4 screens which is plenty for finding mares aslong as your in roughly the right area.

Re: taming build?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:58 pm
by MatronDeWinter
Mage Med Wrestle Resist.
GM them all because you are one combo away from having all your pets gated away if you don't. Not to mention, it keeps you alive while taming angry things.

Vet is something I have qualms about, and it really depends on your playstyle. If you are the type to always have 1000 dragons in the stable, then don't even bother with it. Simple use your pets to kill things and if by chance one gets low, stable him when you bank the next time. If you are not "that" guy, then vet works very well for PvM purposes at around 80 as mentioned above, not to mention it's a pain to GM. Each bandage heals so much damage that you should have absolutely no problem killing most anything with a backpack of bandaids and a single pet (sans the AW perhaps). The difference from 80-100 is not worth it in the slightest.

Eval: Are you going to kill people? If no, then do without or pick up 50 so your e-bolts do enough damage to kill a redlined monster.

Archery/Tactics: Not a good idea in the slightest for reasons mentioned above, unless you are just serious about roleplaying.

Music/Peace: Basically worthless for a tamer on UOSA.

Music/Provo: This could make you some serious tamer-cash, but it's a shame that there are practically no spawns during this era that have 2+ monsters worth farming. If you head out to 2x balrons with a tame/lore/music/provo/mage + 2 more skills character, you are asking to die. Lich lords is the only real alternative, and Lich v. Lich-lord is a joke. The 50 dmg the lich may or may not do to the Lord while your dragons are busy insta killing is is trivial. Good build, bad era.

Hiding: I like this because it lets you control monsters by breaking their aggro on you, as well as waiting for things to die free from the eyes of non-tracking PK's. It's not too important though.

Tracking: If you are the type to hunt things down, camp the mare spawn, or tame an army of imps/ostards etc. This is a nice skill to have. If you just want a dragon some bandaids and PvM time, don't bother. This is probably one of the few occasions where a high amount of tracking actually pays off.

What else can you do with a 6x tamer?

Well there are plenty of options, especially if you can squeeze another 200 skill points out by lowering other skills. Unfortunately, none of them are very worthwhile. Herding comes in handy while you are gaining taming, but only then. I toyed around with fencing sans tactics just to use cheap ghouls touch weapons to gank people, it worked well but is less than practical. Stealth was a fun option when the "guard <object>" command used the pre-t2a rules. If you like to train animals, make the best scorpion, or the strongest chicken etc. Anatomy would come in handy for finding a good base pet. Something else fun that I tried for a while was weapon/tactics and raised my dex a bit, joined the thieves guild and dropped stealing to use a disguise kit. I would then get into fights with people and let them chase me around finally running into a building full of dragons etc.

Taming is boring, nothing is practical except for your standard cookie cutter tamer template.