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The Yew Warlords Triumph!

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:54 am
by Stonewilled
It was a sunny afternoon in the forest of Yew. The Yew Warlords had finished their mid-day respite and ventured out to the kingdom of Britain to battle whomever darest oppose the Warlords Clan.

A group of unsuspecting criminals bearing the mark of FT$ were loitering in the cemetary on the outskirts of Britain. Two ambitious adventurers, Havok and Tex, stumbled upon this wretched hive of scum and villainy. The murderer Alexander had captured a noble nightmare and forced it into servitude. The murderer was quickly smote despite extreme adversity from the villainous horde, and the nightmare was liberated to the safety of the Warlord's stronghold in Yew.

After reassuring the nervous steed of its new found security, the young warlords set out to discover what treasures awaited them in the dungeon of Deceit. Whilst vanquishing evil doers within the dungeon, the two warlords had little knowledge of the attack that was being contrived against them. Two heinous individuals by the name of Olympian and rj approached the warlords in an attempt to catch them off guard and rob them off their hard earned spoils.

The attempt by these criminals was quickly eluded by the ingenuity of the two battle weary warlords despite their fatigue. The spoils of the labors in Deceit were then quickly applied to further the conquest in the land of Yew. A new stronghold was erected in eastern Yew to further extend the reach of the glorious Warlords Clan.

In the waning hours of daylight the two adventurers, still not satisfied with the day's victories, set out again into the wild lost lands to seek another noble steed worthy of carrying these noble warlords into battle. In the final moments of failing light the warlords were preparing to abandon their search for the noble beast when, as if a gift from the gods, a nightmare appeared out of the maze of trees. The mighty steed was quickly befriended by the adept Lord Stonewilled and transported to safety. The warlords, now content with a day's victories, returned to their strongholds to await the coming of a new day along with new challenges and adventure.

Artist rendition of the nightmare's liberation.

Re: The Yew Warlords Triumph!

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:22 am
by SneakyT
lol great story.