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Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:58 am
by Rommel
Dear Secondage citizens,

Your task is to come up with a story that the tillermen of ships will tell. Your story must be original and creative and stick to the subject. We will choose the winners of the story on date below. Once we judge the stories we will announce the 3 winners. The first place will get his story told by tillermen and a prize as well and the other 2 winners will also receive a prize.
"Tillerman are known for their Salty Tales" Well lets hear them :)
All players are to PM me, Rommel with their stories that they come up with and the staff of Secondage will judge them, please make sure your stories are subject appropriate and you can enter in 5 stories max. You will only qualify for one prize you don't win twice, your best piece of work will be chosen. When Submitting your story Using the Private Message, Make sure the topic for the message is "Tillerman Story Contest Entry".


Prizes-1st place will have its story told the most-The Enchanted Sextant of the Wretched Black Beard or Decorative Fishing Net

2nd place-The Enchanted Sextant of the Wretched Black Beard or Decorative Fishing Net

3rd place- A Fishing Pole

Good luck, and remember you have plenty of time to write your story!

The following are the three winners of the Tillerman Story Contest
First Place:
Alex21 wrote:It was a murky sort of a day, grey clouds threatening to rain but holding there load as they drifted far above britain harbor. Waves pattered the shore line and swirled in small patterns as the "Lord British" named after the king himself prepared to raise its sails, The ship was on a usual route to the "Lost Lands" carrying many different items within its hold. It is important that the ties with the "Lost Lands" be kept as strong ties with the powerful allies in the "Lost Lands" would be a valuable asset be it that "Britannia" came under turmoil.

A strike of lightning, a few seconds later the rolling thunder, "Hoist the sails" i bellowed, "The storm is approaching from the north", I said much quieter as the crew was already giving me all there undivided attention, "If we quickly head east we can beat the worst of the storm", I said slowly and convincingly. It was decided and moments later we where in the bay staring in amazement at the increase in the waves size, The crew gripping what ever they could to avoid being washed overboard, Whilst i battled the waves with the steering wheel the rudder beginning to squeak. But then i saw it as we where getting further east we where escaping the brunt of the storm pillars of sun light where beginning to sneak to the earth through gaps in the clouds we had survived the storm, but the sails where greatly torn and would surely slow our trip.

After many hours at work some of the crew members finally finished patching up the sail with the shirts from there backs, I gave them brief thanks and an extra rashon of rum for their work, They seemed quite pleased. Over the next 3 days we traveled far east as we are heading to the east passage to the "Lost Lands" the "Serpent Pillar Of The East", Although we where still near half a day away from the pillar the mens hopes where up as there had not yet been any sighting of the dreaded sea serpents that roamed these area's, It had been rumored that sea serpents in these parts lived by the rule of a greater serpent, A more powerful sea serpent. One of the which man had never seen and could only imagine, But i did not believe this for how are there stories of such a beast if man has never laid eyes upon it, Just rumors i tell the crew and push my own fears down deep inside me straighten my face and convince the crew my word is the truth, But the truth was i doubted my word and secretly believed that such beasts exist from times before time began as my grand father used to tell me.

Some hours later, the light had begun to fade, and then there it was just on the horizon a towering pillar just rising out of the depths of the ocean no land for hours in any direction, no one knows who built the pillars but over time we have figured out there purpose, they act as a gateway to the lost lands for those who know the magic words, it took master historians to find the magic words in the most secluded text in the most secluded libraries of "Britannia" but they did and now one of the most easy passages to the "Lost Lands" is only a 4 days trip out to sea. We are now nearing the tower and the crew have begun to rejoice but it is then i notice something not right it is then i begin to feel sick with worry as i look at the water, It is churning and burbling the likes of which i have never seen. The water around the pillar rises as a raised bubble and bursts revealing a massive create of golden eyes and platinum scales as it opens its mouth a screech the likes of which i have never heard blasts through the air i drop to the deck as everything goes white.

When i finally wake, I give a quick jolt of astonishment as if my life was resuming from those last terrifying images i saw before passing out from a noise so painful my eyes has begun to bleed as it would appear. I stand to find i am the only one on the ship, the ship is against the serpents pillar as if locked there by some force not even moving with the waves. That is when i realize the horror of what is happened it killed them all and left me as the only survivor i stand there for hours staring, wondering what has happened before i finally accept, before i finally believe it.

I utter the word "doracron" and in an instant i am in the foreign sea's of the "Lost Lands". When i finally make dock i am all but insane with the horror of what has happened. I never really found out what exactly happened on that voyage but i have told this story many a time as i have traveled the lands and talked to strangers and friends, But the defiant truth of the matter is i do not know what happened after i passed out and never will it is a mystery and like many mysteries may never be solved.
Second Place:
skyfire wrote:Children playing in the woods... Mothers laughing while washing clothes in the river... Fathers telling jokes to one another while working the fields... This was nothing more than a normal day in the city of Trinsic. Then came the forces of the undead. Little time did they waste in silencing the mothers and stealing the souls of the fathers. A little longer did it take for them to feel out every heartbeat and still them of the children in the woods. One child alone survived that terrible day, survived and watched in horror the feeding on those that did not. Young Sathos felt lost, lost and half-mad. He had no idea why these things happened as they did, he just knew that something was terribly wrong. How was there any way that a young boy, the mere age of 13, know that this was only the beginning of an attempt to control all the known lands of Sosoria? All he knew was that his family and home were now gone. Within him grew the seeds of hate and vengeance, and in his mind he swore to stop at nothing to kill all that had taken his family from him.
Third Place:
Dupre[THG] wrote:Fisherman Story.
By: Dupre

It was a cold and early morning and the tillerman Thomas Odin (T.O.for short) was setting everything up, T.O.thought to himself, "ive set everything up whatelse do i need?" then it struck him, his crew had no fishing poles, so T.O. went to the local fishing shop and bought him and his entire crew fishing poles, and a few fishing nets. when T.O. returned he told his crew, "Raise the anchor and set the sails." Thomas Odin, and his crew were on there way to the open seas.

4 hours later.......

Thomas and his crew, were just far enough to were they could see, just a small stretch of nujel'm, they had been riding all morning and had not caught a thing, shortly after the ride, they decided they needed to attempt to use a fishing net, for it was near lunch and they hadnt ate anything since they had been out.
shortly after the declaration of lunch one of the seamen yells "Ive Got Something!!" so thomas and his crew run over to help the fishermen pull up whatever he had hung. To their surprise he had only caught a pair of boots wrapped in seaweed.
Thomas laughed, and all of his crew members gave the fisher a hard time. Remembering their idea of the fishing net Thomas and his crew grabbed 3 fishing nets and tossed them off the side of the ship........Then suddenly a few hard pulls on the net and
"BLARRGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Thomas with fear in his eyes Screamed! "A KRAKEN!!!" A few of the sailors jumped off the side in horror and fear. Thomas remained calm, giving orders to his men left and right, "Raise the anchor. Throw Powder Kegs. Raise the sail. Forward!!!" Thomas and his crew all ran around attempting to complete all of the tasks that were needed to survive this horrible creature, Thomas reached into his pack and found nothing but a Scimitar, he unsheathed his scimitar and commanded his entire crew to fight back. the kraken had a hold of the ship with a deathly grip. all you could hear were the screams of men, and the kraken, when Thomas's crew was slashing and cutting at the beasts tentacles. After the long fight, thomas and his crew were safe, a large gust of win, blew them away from the death grip of the kraken, and they had drifted away from their home land. Thomas, and the surviving crew, checked all the remaining sailors on the boat. 6 deaths total
(including the two men who jumped off) And 5 injured, they quickly healed the injured men as quickly as they could, and set sails for home.....

7 hours later......

Thomas and his crew arrive in Bucs Den, Not their home town , and soon realize they arent even welcomed here. they docked their ship and were standing on the docks when a guild of 20 pirates showed up, Thomas and his crew were tied up and their boat taken , and sentenced to walk the plank, Thomas watched as his sailors were forced to jump off the boat, one at a time. finally when all of thomas's crew were gone, Thomas was the last one, as they made thomas walk across the plank, he got to the edge.... the pirate leader then ordered all of his men to move back to the tavern in bucs, the leader then pushed Thomas off the side of the boat and walked away......
Winners may send a page in game to claim their award.

The Serpents Right Of Passage.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:59 am
by Alex21
My short story on a t2a relevant feature, I don't consider myself a role player but for a prize i can give it a go.

It was a murky sort of a day, grey clouds threatening to rain but holding there load as they drifted far above britain harbor. Waves pattered the shore line and swirled in small patterns as the "Lord British" named after the king himself prepared to raise its sails, The ship was on a usual route to the "Lost Lands" carrying many different items within its hold. It is important that the ties with the "Lost Lands" be kept as strong ties with the powerful allies in the "Lost Lands" would be a valuable asset be it that "Britannia" came under turmoil.

A strike of lightning, a few seconds later the rolling thunder, "Hoist the sails" i bellowed, "The storm is approaching from the north", I said much quieter as the crew was already giving me all there undivided attention, "If we quickly head east we can beat the worst of the storm", I said slowly and convincingly. It was decided and moments later we where in the bay staring in amazement at the increase in the waves size, The crew gripping what ever they could to avoid being washed overboard, Whilst i battled the waves with the steering wheel the rudder beginning to squeak. But then i saw it as we where getting further east we where escaping the brunt of the storm pillars of sun light where beginning to sneak to the earth through gaps in the clouds we had survived the storm, but the sails where greatly torn and would surely slow our trip.

After many hours at work some of the crew members finally finished patching up the sail with the shirts from there backs, I gave them brief thanks and an extra rashon of rum for their work, They seemed quite pleased. Over the next 3 days we traveled far east as we are heading to the east passage to the "Lost Lands" the "Serpent Pillar Of The East", Although we where still near half a day away from the pillar the mens hopes where up as there had not yet been any sighting of the dreaded sea serpents that roamed these area's, It had been rumored that sea serpents in these parts lived by the rule of a greater serpent, A more powerful sea serpent. One of the which man had never seen and could only imagine, But i did not believe this for how are there stories of such a beast if man has never laid eyes upon it, Just rumors i tell the crew and push my own fears down deep inside me straighten my face and convince the crew my word is the truth, But the truth was i doubted my word and secretly believed that such beasts exist from times before time began as my grand father used to tell me.

Some hours later, the light had begun to fade, and then there it was just on the horizon a towering pillar just rising out of the depths of the ocean no land for hours in any direction, no one knows who built the pillars but over time we have figured out there purpose, they act as a gateway to the lost lands for those who know the magic words, it took master historians to find the magic words in the most secluded text in the most secluded libraries of "Britannia" but they did and now one of the most easy passages to the "Lost Lands" is only a 4 days trip out to sea. We are now nearing the tower and the crew have begun to rejoice but it is then i notice something not right it is then i begin to feel sick with worry as i look at the water, It is churning and burbling the likes of which i have never seen. The water around the pillar rises as a raised bubble and bursts revealing a massive create of golden eyes and platinum scales as it opens its mouth a screech the likes of which i have never heard blasts through the air i drop to the deck as everything goes white.

When i finally wake, I give a quick jolt of astonishment as if my life was resuming from those last terrifying images i saw before passing out from a noise so painful my eyes has begun to bleed as it would appear. I stand to find i am the only one on the ship, the ship is against the serpents pillar as if locked there by some force not even moving with the waves. That is when i realize the horror of what is happened it killed them all and left me as the only survivor i stand there for hours staring, wondering what has happened before i finally accept, before i finally believe it.

I utter the word "doracron" and in an instant i am in the foreign sea's of the "Lost Lands". When i finally make dock i am all but insane with the horror of what has happened. I never really found out what exactly happened on that voyage but i have told this story many a time as i have traveled the lands and talked to strangers and friends, But the defiant truth of the matter is i do not know what happened after i passed out and never will it is a mystery and like many mysteries may never be solved.


Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:56 pm
by Rommel
The contest only has a few days left and please remember to pm your entry not post it thank you.

tillerman contest

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:49 pm
by Dupre[THG]
when is this going to be announced


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:52 pm
by Derrick


Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:48 am
by Alex21
Has it been announced?