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WTF!? Safir is trollin'!

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:25 am
by Safir
So, I haven't been playin' for about a year. Much has happened since then. I first got distracted with the wifey gettin' all "fat" around the tummie... I started workin' more and just couldn't find the peace to sit down and play. Well, needless to say, stuff decayed and I couldn't be bothered. The sad part is, that not long into the "resizing" of the wifey, it got canceled. And it was my favorite show... Anywhoo, it didn't take long for her to start it up again. Luckily she didn't gain much, and is now even losing what she didn't gain. ;)

So, I now have a small little boy (like 6 weeks old atm), the wifey is stayin' home for like 9-12 months and I'll be workin' much less than I was this previous year. At the moment it's like 0-2 days/week, and I plan on keepin' that up for at least a few months.

I've been trollin' the USOA forums from time to time, just to keep up to date with patches (by the way, awesome job there Mr D!) and the Tales of Adventure (cA is just hilarious). And now when we have settled down and gotten' used to things I found that I on occasion have brief moments of peace. An hour here and there where I can do whatever I want (i.e. the boy's sleepin' and the wifey's not all over my back for not pickin' up after myself). I started to catch up on the forums and after a while I decided to log on to see how things where looking at my end.

Well, I had 20k in the bank, and had soon gathered another 20 for a small house close to my favorite spot. I'm in effect back from an unexpected break, although limited for both time and occasion, but back nonetheless. I'm usually on the wifey's laptop now, and havn't really gotten settled quite yet, so I'll stick to simple errands within Britannia for now. Who knows I might even get her to play a little again! ;)

And before you ask, nope, I will not reveal his name on a public forum, but I will on the other hand reveal one of his middle names and give u a pic:


I'm glad to be back and hope to talk to all of you both in-game, in IRC (soon) and of course on the forums! ;)

// Safir

Re: WTF!? Safir is trollin'!

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:24 am
by chumbucket
Welcome back, Josh Lee.