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Poker Tournament?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:28 pm
by Ronk
I know some people have run these in the past. I saw one that was stupidly just summoning monsters and some how that was poker but whatever.

Has anyone run a tourney? Is it possible?

I saw the deck of cards for sale on the trade forum and it dawned on me that with random steal and a thief you could effectively have a shuffled deck and deal out cards. Then it would merely be a matter of noting who is given what to ensure they can't change the books.

Has anyone tried this method? Does it work? Obviously you'd have to sit everyone a square away to ensure people aren't snooping bags to cheat, haha.

Re: Poker Tournament?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:41 pm
by Jill Stihl
Ronk wrote:I saw the deck of cards for sale on the trade forum and it dawned on me that with random steal and a thief you could effectively have a shuffled deck and deal out cards...
Just a thought* - Having the dealer use a restock agent out of the bag of books might be easier than 'stealing' a book each time and would still give a random book draw.

*I'm working resist on several toons, that leaves a lot of thought time :o