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Can't Connect to Ultima Online, please try again later

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:56 pm
by Selbin
So I made my account two days ago (7/1/2011), and it was fine. Yesterday, fine. This morning I get up and Razor has an update. So I update it, and now I can't connect to UOSA, I just get the thread title, immediately. Doesn't even pause like it's trying to connect, just immediately says it cannot. Do I need to reinstall an older version of Razor and not update? Anyone else having this problem? I use ConnectUO to, well, connect, and it says there's 300+ people on at any given time, so I know others can connect...

Windows 7, by the way.

Re: Can't Connect to Ultima Online, please try again later

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:15 pm
by Selbin
Odd. Tried connecting again, same problem. Then tried connecting to another ConnectUO server, Hybrid, and Razor updated again. Exited that and tried UOSA and now it works. No idea why, either way. But I'm glad to be back!

Re: Can't Connect to Ultima Online, please try again later

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:42 pm
by Mike Huntswet
I'm having the same problem right now. I was just on a few minutes ago, my power then surged in house, the router/cable modem came back up, able to access internet OK but not UOSA (don't play other servers). Any suggestions?? I need to get back to macroing!@ :(:(:(

edit: I just connected to UO Gaymers: Hybrid via Razor welcome screen & it worked ok... tried again on UOSA to no avail. Please assist :(

troubleshooting steps taken:
1. rebooted my laptop (it also wasn't hooked up to power when surge occurred so MB/NIC are good.)
2. tested connection to UOSA; no avail
3. tried connecting to UOG:Hybrid; worked
4. checked UO's login.cfg; set to correct server(s), tried only one of the two servers and vise versa - no avail
5. checked firewall settings; UO and Razor are set to allow all
6. can't reboot modem/router atm but I doubt that's the issue..... everything else internet works OK.

EDIT #2: figured out that it has to do with Razor. Opening UO only and connecting to UOSA without Razor works OK...? IDK. FML.
EDIT #3: k... Razor had defaulted "" as the server, but after reading the website, it should be "" with same port it was listing already. that fixed the problem. woot!!!!!!

-Mike Huntswet

Re: Can't Connect to Ultima Online, please try again later

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:30 am
by Selbin
Excellent! Glad it's working for ye! I'll have to keep that bit o' info in mind if it ever happens again.