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To the bloodrock urks!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:01 pm
by Papa Smurf
:lol: That was really cool how after we brought tribuute to the mighty urks and that "uumie" pk got us you guys went right after them, and good on ya cant have some random umies poaching your land right! Anyways that was a lot of fun and you guys keep UO interesting, I always enjoyed interacting with the orcs on Catskills and I have a feeling I will enjoy interacting with the orcs here as well! Cya around.

-Papa Smurf and sarra

Re: To the bloodrock urks!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:51 pm
by random guy
When Ummies give us Urks those shineez are anything that is bright or sparkles Or even food or drink we allow that ummie to live as we then see that human as "the bringer of gifts" When another ummie comes along and kills the hand that just fed us (so to speak) we take that as an offense to us and will give no mercy to the offending party. Urks Lub Shineez Sow Dabu Papa Smurf

Re: To the bloodrock urks!

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:27 am
by Ronk
random guy wrote:When Ummies give us Urks those shineez are anything that is bright or sparkles Or even food or drink we allow that ummie to live as we then see that human as "the bringer of gifts" When another ummie comes along and kills the hand that just fed us (so to speak) we take that as an offense to us and will give no mercy to the offending party. Urks Lub Shineez Sow Dabu Papa Smurf
The exception to this, as a guy in BUM found out last night, is when there are lots of combats nad fighting going on. When its a massive battle, orcs easily get confused, and expecting to stand around (alive) while orcs are in battle rage is silly ;-)

Re: To the bloodrock urks!

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:44 am
by Papa Smurf
I know that one all too well, even if there isn't combat around I give tribuute and make myself scarce, no use in testing an orcs patience and expecting them to pass, or myself to survive. The exception is when some human murderers are poaching on urk land, then I will let the local urks know. Completely selfless action of course, its not like I got most of my loot back in the confusion of combat. :lol: