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Tower space in the Desert of Compassion

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:43 am
by Blaise
I came up on this tower spot in south Compassion yesterday and would like to offer the Bloodrock first right of refusal.
(that means I won't sell to anyone else until Bloodrock says they don't want it).

I'm not looking to make a fortune or really much if any profit, but hit me up if you're interested.
The sign on the Large Brick (placeholder) says "For Sale: Contact Blaise"

Cheers *burps*

Re: Tower space in the Desert of Compassion

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:42 pm
by random guy
Us Urks are definetly interested in this spot. Just PM me what your asking for it and we'll take it from there. :mrgreen: