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razor macro advice for training magery and ressist together

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:10 am
by mazda

I am having trouble with the special constructs as in the if and then in order to train Aetius in ressist and magery.

I am at around 45 magery and 55 ressist. So I want to figure out how to initially do lightning, wait for mana, do that a couple times, wait for health.
Then once I hit like the required magery goto ebolt etc. I have purposely acquired a wizard hat and trained eval to the nineties in order to have 65 int with hat on in order to make training easier. I will eventually go for 100 81 44 stat wise so i can use 4 gheals and still have dexer dex. So I get the greater and less then options however building in so that at a certain skill level it goes up to ebolt for example is causing me problems I get the macro stopping half way thru or ignoring the health etc. Just want to get that figured out. I went to run uo razor site, and looked online but all the macros and advice I see says do this or that without explaining in a way I can understand ( kindergarden level programming ) how in practice to put it in effect.

Ok thanks

Aetius bk hunter in progress