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A few questions from a new guy!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:35 am
by Dallaswolf
First anyone know the best place to buy a full spell book and maybe a few recall runes?

Also How can I tell when buying my spell book that it is full?

Last how come no one talks in game? I see alot of people walking by and I say Hi and they just move along.. Is this not a friendly place?

Re: A few questions from a new guy!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:55 am
by Sandro
Use item id skill on spellbooks to verify that it has 64 spells in it, there are many scam vendors who try to rip new players off with empty spellbooks.

Re: A few questions from a new guy!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:30 am
by Dallaswolf
What does it say if you use The skill on the book if its full?

Re: A few questions from a new guy!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:31 am
by the bazookas
What does it say if you use The skill on the book if its full?
I believe it says "64 spells"

As for your second question regarding people being friendly here--it really just depends. Some people will stop and have a conversation with you or help you out (if that's what you are looking for). Others will ignore you. Others will give you grief. It's kind of like real life--don't expect to become fast friends with everybody you meet right away. A lot of the veteran players are about their "business", and so won't be as apt to stop and talk. However, there certainly are friendly people out there who will be happy to visit with you and give you a hand.

I would suggest finding a guild. There are many guilds out there that would be happy to have you join and to give you a hand in getting established. UO has quite a learning curve (you know if you've played before), but that is because it gives you so much freedom, which is why it is such an amazing game imo. Keep at it, and you will have a lot of fun. Just watch your back :) Sometimes those you trust will take advantage of you (just like in real life, but perhaps more frequently in UO). So be careful out there :)... don't worry too much about dying and losing your stuff--it can all be replaced pretty readily. Learn what you can from your mistakes (or from the grief you encounter from others) and you'll do fine :). Welcome to UOSA!

Re: A few questions from a new guy!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:38 pm
by Pirul
Hang around Vesper, look for guys with the C^V or DG tags, and try talking to them. Might be easier than trying it at WBB.

Re: A few questions from a new guy!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:31 am
by OneEyedJack

There are two vendors here that sell full spellbooks.