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Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:10 pm
by Jupiter
The Mage Tower welcomes the following

Although his dubious past has labeled him a scoundrel, we shall make quick work of restoring his glory.
Sunkist was accepted into the Tower today by passing through the perilous dungeon Hythloth - on foot.
He braved the perilous dungeon armed only with his knowledge of magic and thirst to gain more knowledge about the magical lands we live in. The second and third levels were quickly passed, yet the perils of the fourth level of this wicked dungeon nearly claimed the lives of both this new initiate as well as his less than seasoned Guild master. With quick thinking he delivered a speedy dispatching of some hellish hounds and a disgruntled daemon and resuscitated Jupiter. We reached the end of the dungeon just as the hordes of angry monsters were closing in around us! A glorious adventure!