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Flamestrike macro (for magery skill gain)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:15 pm
by randale
Here's what I have

1. Exec: Flamestrike
2. Wait for Target
3. Exec: Target Self
4. if Mana <=61
5. For (1 to 3)
6. If Mana >=63
7. Exec: Meditation
8. Pause .50 sec
9. If (SysMessage "enter")
10. Wait for Mana >= 100
11. Else
12. Pause 10.00 sec
13. End For
14. End If
15. End If
16. End If
17. Pause 1.0 sec

So, basically what I'm trying to do is flamstrike myself to gain magery and meditation, so I can get the mana back (and gain in meditation) and keep doing it. I know Med may not raise because you have to keep using it when it is at lower levels to get gains in it, but I'm really mostly concerned with magery right now, my character has 93.1 magery.

Problems with this are, even when Med doesn't succeed it sometimes goes to line 10, I thought maybe it's too fast for it to catch, so that's why I added the half-second delay. Do I have the If's right, the first end if should end the first if, second the seconds if, etc?

Re: Flamestrike macro (for magery skill gain)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:33 pm
by Pirul