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Joined earlier this week. Multiple players in house.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:35 pm
by Flender
Hello UOSA!
I, myself called Flendious on the line, and my roommate have recently joined this server. I am returning to UO from days far gone where I was a noob on retail UO and some random Shards, while my roommate is completely new to the game. Welcome to a world with us in it! (We're looking for a guild by the way *WINK*)

I do have a question. I understand that multi-boxing is allowed and it sounds like it'd be a great help to getting myself economically independent via trained alts doing doity woik like barding, taming, etc. I understand that there are also automated systems to prevent a player from having more than 3 accounts or more than 3 accounts actively connected. Is this going to be a problem if both of us take this practice up from the same network (ie same IP? I also have 3 other roommates who might be interested (I know, right? College was awesome) so I imagine there are steps to be taken to prevent confusion about any of us 'cheating'.

Re: Joined earlier this week. Multiple players in house.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:55 pm
by Pirul
Hello Flender!

Your best bet is to PM Derrick directly and explain your situation. He is as reasonable as they come, and I'm sure you'll be able to find he accomodates your needs even if it might imply more work for admin in general.

Also, jump on IRC, there's a great deal of knowledge there that can help you and your friend get started. Additional to the normal #secondage channel, I recomend joining channels #DG and #C^V for help for new players.

Re: Joined earlier this week. Multiple players in house.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:15 pm
by Flender
Sounds like sound advice. Thanks Pirul!

Re: Joined earlier this week. Multiple players in house.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:04 pm
by OneEyedJack
And I'm not sure what type of guild you'd be looking to join, but DG, C^V, K^A, and WL are all groups of stand up guys that assist newer players. UWL or URK if you're looking to RP, but RPing is time consuming and not often cost efficient.

Re: Joined earlier this week. Multiple players in house.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:24 am
by chainsoar
OneEyedJack wrote:And I'm not sure what type of guild you'd be looking to join, but DG, C^V, K^A, and WL are all groups of stand up guys that assist newer players. UWL or URK if you're looking to RP, but RPing is time consuming and not often cost efficient.
Here speaks a man who never roleplayed a hobo. Flender, I believe you can have up to 4 accounts per ip under exceptional circumstances if you explain the situation to Derrick, you and your housemates may have to have 1 account each.