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DG CTF Monday 23rd 7PM TO 8PM SERVER TIME.(Next)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:26 pm
by TheBreadMan
DG CTF Monday 23th 7PM TO 8PM SERVER TIME.(Next)

Enroll your char details here:
(only need to if your chars you wish to use not already listed)

List types of events that we will be runing. Extra details will added over time. Any questions or sugguestions post in that thread.

Everyone is welcome all skill levels!

Events this week will be a combination of:

Event Name: Escape and capture the shield
Goal: Escape from your tower doors to other team doors with option of grabbing shields on way. Without letting them kill you. You are also allowed to try and kill them to escape.
Rules: No red pots
Scoring: Best of three, with each shield collect adding a muliplier of 1x (per a round) for all escaped team members.


Event Name: Capture the ore
Goal: Steal ore from other team.
Rules: 20min time limit.

Standard Rules!

No Looting.
No Rage froming dying its all just a bit of fun!
Have fun and enjoy self!
Keep it friendly, kept any abuse have for other peoples out of event. Take to irc or trashtalk.

Note: I will do my best to insure untrusted (people looting/stealing) people are removed from fun but advise you not to bring your vanq/25+ because I can't insure there will be zero looters, easily replaceable items are recommended!

Re: DG CTF Monday 16th 6PM TO 8PM SERVER TIME.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:29 pm
by ariok
Im soooo there.

Re: DG CTF Monday 16th 6PM TO 8PM SERVER TIME.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:45 pm
by Light Shade
I'll try to be there. :)

Re: DG CTF Monday 16th 6PM TO 8PM SERVER TIME.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:55 pm
by Pirul
I hope I can make it.

Re: DG CTF Monday 16th 6PM TO 8PM SERVER TIME.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:24 pm
by Conquistador
I should be able to make it!