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Lichnapping and drunken wisps.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:05 pm
by Populus
"This looks interesting", Jennifer said to herself whilst hiding and slowly creeping up towards the L-shaped house that stood by the oceanfront. In front of the house lay a docked boat with a mast so high not even Hemperor could reach the top. Two dragons sat on the boat, patiently waiting for their master's command.


She snuck up to the house, ignoring the dastardly dragons, which may have been the wise choice. Jennifer stood hidden and was waiting to see what these dragons would be used for. Only minutes of anguishingly painful waiting, Sir Wonko comes from the east, strutting on his horse from lands far away to the house. Following him - a lich.
Jennifer quickly adds up one and one to two and assumes this lich will be used to feed the dragons on the boat. She will not let this happen!


Jennifer sneaks inside behind Sir Wonko with intentions of killing him and his accomplice, but she quickly realize that she could ruin their day instead. She hides in a corner and waits patiently for the right moment to strike.


Sir Wonko leaves the house and comes back a few minutes later with a drunken wisp and it is shouting jibberish. They bring it upstairs, will they feed the magical essence of the wisp to the dragons aswell? This will not stand!
The wisp breaks out in a violent frenzy smashing nearby crates and hurting Wonko severely. Sellexie runs for his life, leaving Wonko behind in the room with the wisp and lich. During the wisp's frenzy, the lich has been standing there trying to help in every way he can, Uus Jux!
Wonko barely manage to escape the room of the drunken wisp.


The wisp turns to the lich, shouts jibberish and breaks the crate.


They both walk out and are both headed to kill Sir Wonko & Sellexie.


It's the last Jennifer see of the gang.


Also, the dragons died.


30k+ cloth
Loads of scrolls
10 t-maps
2k fish steaks
300ish wool

Re: Lichnapping and drunken wisps.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:56 pm
by Malaikat
The newbiest house break in story ever told. Cloth, cloth, and a box full of scrolls. Well played.

Re: Lichnapping and drunken wisps.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:21 pm
by Vhyx
May not be a l33t haul, but still a profit to be made if he fences the stuff.

I see 60k gold worth of bandages...

The T-maps could provide nice little returns, especially if they aren't all level 1's.

Even the scrolls are worth something.

Lootee= has to replace all that stuff, use/profit lost.

Looter= a few minutes worth of work for easy money. Looks like a win to me.

Re: Lichnapping and drunken wisps.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:56 am
by Downs
We can't all make up stories about scamming gms. cA apologizes for disappointing you malakait.

Re: Lichnapping and drunken wisps.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:38 am
by Populus
We don't do it for the loot.

Re: Lichnapping and drunken wisps.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:33 am
by Hallytosis
I myself have gotten in on a couple tower lootings. One netted me 40 something lvl 1 tmaps, a good amount of regs, vanq weps etc. the other had almost 4k lockpicks, regs, bandages, etc. I never take screenies so i have no proof, but its still interesting to see what people leave unlocked and unattended. Both towers were left unlocked and most chests were not even locked down much less secured.

Re: Lichnapping and drunken wisps.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:26 pm
by Malaikat
Downs wrote:We can't all make up stories about scamming gms. cA apologizes for disappointing you malakait.
Heh. I'm cool enough without making ish up, and I accept your humble apology.

I'm more disappointed that I don't have the availability to camp idocs or wander the land 10 steps a time...

Re: Lichnapping and drunken wisps.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:08 pm
by iamreallysquall
i remember this house loot well :) "Also, the dragons died."
lol also
Populus wrote:We don't do it for the loot.