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Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:13 pm
by Sentri
Character(s) Name(s): Sentri

Preferred Play Style: (EX: PvM or PvP) PvM but I do enjoy dueling and things of that nature. I am only a few days old on this server so i'm still working on my characters but I would like to find a guild with people I enjoy playing with in it early off and start haveing some fun on this server. Thanks

Playing History: Started around 1997/98 with UO, before that did Ultima 7. Stayed with Osi until Tram was brought into the game and from there I have been on free servers

Time Zone: Pacific standard

Usual Online Hours: Afternoon-evenings.

Have you read DG Guild Rules and do you accept these rules: (yes or no) Yes

Re: Application

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:42 pm
by Norris
Welcome To UOSA
If you would, join us on a few hunts, hang with us in IRC #DG (not everyone in our channel is dg so please keep this in mind), and or vent for a bit and get to know us and visa versa to make sure this is a good fit.
Thanks for submitting App.