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chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:51 am
by chumbucket
NOTE: I just found this draft of a Tale of Adventure that was never published. I had hoped to get some resolution on the issue at the end first, but don't recall what happened on that! Regardless, it was a good time for all!

I was in Destard, going by the name of Deacon, when I noticed a common sight. Kain Callasomething camping the front of the dungeon with a very large number of dragons in tow. I didn't think too much of it. I brainstormed ways to make that into something exciting, but nothing came to mind.

Boredom set in for Kain as well as for me. He casts a gate to drop off his dragons at the Minoc stables. I follow. We found ourselves just to the north of the stables themselves, just barely within the guard zone. Did I mention that Kain was red?



So there you have it. It isn't safe to be a red tamer in the guard zones even if you think you are alone. Good times were had. Lessons were learned. But the fun didn't stop. For reasons I still do not know, what must have been nearly ALL of Kain's dragons pour out of the stables. This could prove to be a bit more fun.


The call goes out over guildchat: Does anyone have a way of gating tamed dragons? Any enticers? We have one online, and makes his way over. And so begins the fun. Kain keeps coming back to life and dying. Sometimes we kill him. Sometimes the guards take care of him for us. Alas, I later learned he was not taking stat loss.







At one point, I brought in my macer and chased him for miles, but he got away when my mount tired out.






When Kain died originally, he also had a rune and key to his tower. Security, however, was tight.



Eventually, we snagged about ten to fifteen dragons. They were waiting for us in Cove, safe from the prying hands of the red Kain, but not so safe from his pal Col Error. The colonel ran through out gate to find out where we were keeping the dragons, only to find angry dragons on the other side. He died.

A second gate popped up in Cove among our prisoners, but no one came out. I dispelled it. Suspicious, I cast a reveal only to discover Kain--red--in the guard zone--again.


Thinking everything had wrapped up nicely, I wrote them a note expressing our concern for their treatment of these fine beasts and hopped a gate over to the final holding pin to get one last screenshot, but Kain and Col Error showed up and used an exploit (?) to get the dragons to hop out of gates even though there was a wall between the dragons and the gate. Alas, we only claimed one dragon due to the hax. But I am told the internet police are on the case, and the hax will likely be removed (unless they are era accurate!).







Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:47 pm
by a_llama
Out of everyone I think cA has the most fun for some reason.

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:48 pm
by the bazookas
Good stuff :D

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:17 pm
by LudKrud
Thats what I like about chum and dislike about the current active members,chum griefs with style.

He could have just omgwtfpwned the red in GZ,but no......he had an amusing tale to go with it....

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:49 pm
by Light Shade
Nice. :)

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:34 am
by Venom
ki onyl read the ToA Thread cuz of Chumbucket, funny shit, keep it up!

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:26 pm
by the bazookas
Just an observation (sorry it's unrelated to the post): At this very moment, every poster on this thread has exactly -3 Post rep (except chumbucket, who has -2 probably b/c he got a +1 from somebody here :)).

It would seem that somebody who hates everything to do with chumbucket has 3 +/- 0 forum accounts :D

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:29 pm
by chumbucket
Rumor is there is a secret karma conspiracy to undermine all noble bards!

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:26 pm
by LudKrud
You should be used to this by now bazooka....if you have an opinion someone is going to be mad just because you have one and they cant seem to form one.....

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:38 pm
by the bazookas
LudKrud wrote:You should be used to this by now bazooka....if you have an opinion someone is going to be mad just because you have one and they cant seem to form one.....
'Tis true, 'tis true. I don't mind the bad karma; I just thought it was funny :D

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:49 pm
by BaldSOB
Never seen Chum on a horse before.

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:50 pm
by Derrick
BaldSOB wrote:Never seen Chum on a horse before.
I doubt he paid for it.

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:46 pm
by chumbucket
The rarely seen mace fighting chum rides horses, legally obtained.

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 6:54 am
by Joshua Lee IV
Awesome story.

Re: chumbucket's Tales of Adventure: Dragon Security Notice

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:11 pm
by fox_phyre
Haha, even rarer than seeing the macer chum is a screenshot of Pristiq playing UO.

Coincidentally, the first idoc i ever got here was Col Error's tower next to the justice shrine and I still have a bagball trophy with his name on it that is all that remains of his loot.