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An Anphropological Journal by Sir Arthur Dupre

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 12:30 pm
by Sir Arthur Dupre
Greetings reader, for those of you unfamiliar with my previous works (The much acclaimed "Studying Orcs and why not to get too close" and the less popular, "a study of ettin mating rituals") I am Sosaria's first, finest and only anthropologist commisioned by the Lord British himself to study the native people of our fine land. Now I bring you my finest work the study of "Iduali ichwan" or the desert savages.

My travels take me to one of the most arid and dangerous regions of Sosaria, the Compassion Desert. I set up base camp at the compassion shrine with adequate provisions *hic*


from here I made my west to start first contact with the savages I came upon my first in a battle to the death with a local spider.


he seemed somewhat stand off-ish

It was clear I was going to have great success here.

Though I returned to their village in the north-east side of compassion to find warriors with spears, maaji's with deer masks and the chief of their people in his silken cloak Naib Araka, he seemed much more learned than the rest of the tribe and far less cautious than them. He appeared at my camp later that night...


He found my interest in their society somewhat confusing, but in a trade for spiced wine he allowed me several questions. It appears the recent turn of events at the Orc encampment has allowed the iduali to retake their ancestral home at the north of the desert after years of nomadic life around sosaria, they speak what is essentially broken English and part old sosarion. They do not use Swords of any kind and have a strong heirarchy. Though gruesome Iduali Ichwan collect the heads of their foes as a sign of their prowess in battle and for their own beliefs. They think with enough Heads and blood they can achieve their former glory.

That is all so far ladies and gentleman stay tuned for next weeks featured journal featuring my hairy new friend from cove who is taking me to see his family...
