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How to identify the level of a T-map

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:15 am
by EVeee
I actually looked for the answer to this on my own but couldn't find anything. Outside of remembering what monster you got a particular treasure map off of, how can you figure out what level they are? I have some I want to sell but I doubt someone is just going to take my word on what level 'a tattered treasure map' is and I don't want to mess up and make it so that *I* have to dig up the treasure either.

Re: How to identify the level of a T-map

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:31 am
by Pirul
Well, Cattie, albewan and Kelektra can tell you with certainty what level they are. There is a slight margin where you might loose 1 or 2 maps.

Re: How to identify the level of a T-map

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:31 am
by EVeee
Pirul wrote:Well, Cattie, albewan and Kelektra can tell you with certainty what level they are. There is a slight margin where you might loose 1 or 2 maps.
Is this some kind of well-kept secret? I'd rather know how Cattie & Co. do it rather than the fact that they can do it.

Btw Pirul, thank you - you answer a lot of questions on these boards and I appreciate it :wink:

Re: How to identify the level of a T-map

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:30 am
by applejack
Whenever you attempt to decode a map and fail you get the message above you saying:
You fail to make anything of the map

Whenever you attempt to decode a map that it is impossible for you to decode at your skill level you get the same message above you but also in the lower left of your client you get:
The map is too difficult to attempt to decode

So... knowing this info from the wiki:
1 0.0+ Cartography required
2 60.0+ Cartography required
3 70.0+ Cartography required
4 90.0+ Cartography required
5 100.0 Cartography required

You would need 3 characters, one with 60 Cartography, one with 70 and one with 90. Then you should just run the map in question through them from lowest to highest. For example, take any character with 0 Cart, click the map. Ooh I got "The map is too difficult to attempt to decode" so it must be higher than a 1. Do the same with your 60 Cart... sweet I got it again its 3 or higher. Try it with the 70 Cart... nope no "The map is too difficult to attempt to decode" message. This must be a level 3! And so on and so forth. Of course there is the chance you could accidentally decode the map when trying this.

There's really no way to prove to someone what it is when you are selling. You can employ this method and know personally without a doubt what map it is but ultimately some sort of trust between buyer and seller will be needed. Sell enough high level maps that are what you say they are and people will remember you are legit and buy them.

Re: How to identify the level of a T-map

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:37 pm
by EVeee
applejack wrote:There's really no way to prove to someone what it is when you are selling. You can employ this method and know personally without a doubt what map it is but ultimately some sort of trust between buyer and seller will be needed. Sell enough high level maps that are what you say they are and people will remember you are legit and buy them.
Gah... hate the answer but thanks. I think I'll just do the maps I have so far by myself and document what monster I get each map from in the future. I like that last bit of advice too about building up a positive reputation.