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Maintaining quality over quantity

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:32 pm
by chainsoar
Just to make this clear at an early stage, I'm going to be pursuing a goal of 'quality over quantity' relentlessly. To this end, I will be keeping a close watch on inactivity among guilded characters, removing any I feel show no signs of regular activity and/or willingness to be part of guild activities.

I may, from time to time, confer with other senior members on this decision, and if someone returns from a period of inactivity to find themselves unguilded but with a really good reason for why they went inactive without explanation, I will consider allowing them to rejoin. If this happens, however, you will lose all rank privileges and rejoin as a wali. This might seem harsh if your computer spontaneously exploded or something, but it's better overall to penalise all equally, rather than attempting to mete out an appropriate response for each and every individual case.

Therefore, if you foresee an extended period of inactivity in the near future, LET ME KNOW.

I would much rather have a guild of 10 active members than one padded out with 200+ MIA players.

Re: Maintaining quality over quantity

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:17 pm
by mrbojangles
Hi, I'd like to join. But I'm inactive, and also refuse to create a Savage character.

Re: Maintaining quality over quantity

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:17 pm
by chainsoar
Worst. Application. EVER!