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Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:35 pm
by Pro
It's no secret I've applied to be on the sticky and it's clear I've been disallowed for no reason. I've met every requirement listed but am still not "allowed" to be present. Appears to me Telamon won't allow me on the list for his own personal reasons so we can therefore assume that the list itself is just a composition of people only Telamon deems able to be a broker, thus the list is fault and should be removed.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:27 am
by Hicha
Wholeheartedly agree with you. The broker's list is a single player's biased opinion on a select group of 'trusted players', as I know several people who had 'applied' and proven to be reliable brokers yet still have yet to make his list (or were on his list but were removed.) Not to mention it completely negates the thievery playstyle of UOSA (and last I checked GMs/forum mods didn't play favorites.)

If the list isn't unstickied, then you should create your own broker's list and request it be stickied as well.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:56 am
by Pro
bump, yo

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:01 pm
by Guerrilla
Politics bro, politics :(

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:24 pm
by mrbojangles
The list isn't officially sanctioned by the staff, they merely stickied it so it's more easily seen. Telamon can do whatever he wants, it's his post and he put in his own time to compile the information in it.

If you don't like it, make your own post about how you're willing to offer brokerage services. Or maybe you can start a new list of trustworthy brokers who Telamon supposedly ignores, and get that thread stickied as well if it proves a success.

Brokers are not endorsed by the staff at all, and a sticky should not be seen as an endorsement. Untill the information in the post is shown to be false, misleading or harmful, there is no reason to change it's status.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 4:29 pm
by GuardianKnight
I just assumed that when someone makes a post with pictures of people to trust, it's because that person endorses them. If it makes you feel better, pro, I'll endorse you if you want to start your own thread.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:36 pm
by son
Agreed with handsome, stickied seems too endosed to not be official.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:38 pm
by GuardianKnight
Iamsquall doesn't like me endorsing you. He immediately downvoted that idea.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:59 am
by Pro
I think he downvoted you for being an idiot.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:30 pm
by GuardianKnight
Falls into the same category as the GF blessed sandals crap...."agree with me or else". Anyway, it all comes down to the fact that you can't force your way into a club. You apply, meet the requirements, and then remind them that you applied. If they tell you to wait longer, don't start bitching and burning all don't get in after that. It makes you look shady.

Asking for staff to destroy something every time you aren't in the "club" is not normal. That would be like me having the government shut down World of warcraft because I worked all the time and couldn't make the raids, so they kicked me out of the guild.

If you can't join one club, you make another one. Make one more popular. I'm sure there are people that would rather deal with you than certain other people. Build on to that.

That or we could continue a thread and waste the staff's time, hoping you annoy them enough that they just do what you want to shut you up. Kind of like some era accuracy threads.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:57 pm
by Frogleg
Pro wrote:Telamon won't allow me on the list for his own personal reasons.
It seems you wish to have this list removed for your own personal reasons. I personally find the list very useful and I am sure others do as well. Maybe you can provide some good, valid reasons why the list should be removed without the thus' and therefores.

Pro wrote:it's clear I've been disallowed for no reason.
Why not just take it up with him in irc and see what the real reason is. Talk it out.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:17 pm
by son
Handsome's motives aside, the sticky still implies official endorsement by mods.

Indeed Telamon's club is not the end all of "secure" (if at all?) trading, so why the sticky?

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:44 pm
by Frogleg
We probably have different ideas on what "official endorsement by mods" actually means. I was under the impression that they basically stickied posts that were helpful to the community or new players (Newbie's Guide to Escape, Guide: Ultima Online:T2A House Security 101, The Sandals Dictionary etc) or funny/interesting (Selling Chainmail Tunic of Defense Name any price, Tales of Adventure - Master Index.) I'm sure others feel differently about what this means depending on what side of the fence lies their relationship with Telamon and WL. Maybe a mod can comment on what the requirements are for a thread to be stickied.

I agree that Telamon's club is not the end all solution for secure house trading but it's the best we have at the moment for this era. Is it working? I'm guessing yes, due to the number of bumps and requests for the post to be stickied. If it is not working, then yes it should be taken down.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:34 pm
by Hicha
mrbojangles wrote:If you don't like it, make your own post about how you're willing to offer brokerage services. Or maybe you can start a new list of trustworthy brokers who Telamon supposedly ignores, and get that thread stickied as well if it proves a success.
If thats the case, what is to prevent every single player from having their own stickied thread of whatever topic/opinion they please? Anything stickied
GuardianKnight wrote:If you can't join one club, you make another one. Make one more popular. I'm sure there are people that would rather deal with you than certain other people. Build on to that.
Please see my first statement.

Re: Remove the broker sticky

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:05 pm
by mrbojangles
Hicha wrote: If thats the case, what is to prevent every single player from having their own stickied thread of whatever topic/opinion they please? Anything stickied

Besides the common sense of a sub-forum mod? 99% of players aren't interested in investing the time into creating a quality information thread. I think a sticky is an acknowledgement that a thread serves a useful purpose. As long as the thread is beneficial, and would benefit from a sticky keeping it in a visible position in a forum, then it deserves to be stickied. Does every player-written guide and info post deserve to be stickied? No, that's what a search function is for. But with things like a brokers list, which is a service that many players wouldn't assume exists, it is very helpful to have that post in a visible position, so more players are aware of it. Player politics should be irrelevant so long as the information or service is not compromised by them. Is the quality of Telamons thread compromised by him not allowing every person who wants to be a broker to be listed on it? Absolutely not.