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Darkness and a missing spell!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:46 pm
by Jupiter
At last!

Jupiter had finally found a moment of respite. He immediately set forth to the Moonglow Lyceam; eager to finish his literary masterpiece "An In Depth Study in Britania Maps and their Various advantages" No sooner had he opened to the last page where he left off when the light extinguished around him all at once!

"Well this certainly won't do," he muttered "what were those words again? "Innus Loris?", no, "Inumum Lumin. Oh Bother! Of all times to forget a spell!" he exclaimed in frustration.

He walked outside to avail himself of some better lighting when to his astonishment it was as dark outside as it was inside! Surely there must be some fiendish plot afoot. He reached for a candle and held it near his spell book, taking great care not to burn or singe the pages. Turning astonishment to amazement, he found his night sight spell was missing from his book!

Surely the thieves of the land could not have become so skilled as to steal the words of a spell straight out of a wizard's book, could they? If so, could they have also stolen the words from his memory? These questions would perhaps find their answer some day, because today Jupiter had a new quest! He had to recover the Night Sight spell!

Being in Moonglow, a living hub and archive of all magical activity and knowledge, Jupiter thought his quest would be completed before the day was out. But, to his dismay, nobody in the entire city of Moonglow could recollect the night sight spell.

He decided next to set off for Yew and check the local vendors. Although the light of the torches which lined the street was enough to keep him from stumbling into ditches, it was too poor to help him make out the inscriptions on his runes. So he would have to travel on foot.

----- After days on the trail ------

A familiar sound brought Jupiter to a halt. The grumblings of a troll nearby were barely audible. It seemed the darkness dampened even the soud waves in the air. He couldn't see very far with only the candle, but then he had an idea. He may have forgotten the night sight spell due to lack of use, but he certainly remembered how to summon fire in all its varieties. "Kal Vas...," he held out a torch and began to speak, but then stopped, "wait no, no, that might be over doing it a bit... Vas Ort Flam!" Light burst from torch, but it was only able to push back the dark in an almost perfect circle around the torch.

On any other day, being able to see clearly, Jupiter would have made quick work of such a common roadside pest. However, being unable to see his target clearly except within the circle of light, he decided a strategy of retreat might be better suiting for this encounter.

---- Jupiter Arrives in... Vesper? ----

Perhaps because he was unable to see clearly, or more likely the result of fleeing like a lunatic from a troll, Jupiter somehow ended up in Vesper. To his relief, he learned that a vigilant company was gathering to brave the dangers of the deceitful dungeon, where the Lord of the Liches dwells. "Surely the Liches of old will have some night vision spell, or remnent thereof." The vigilant company made quick work of the Liches sealed within the tombs. And just as he had suspected, Jupiter found the liches did have some old spells. Unfortunately, the spell's power did not appear to provide much more light than the glow of a few added torches.

Weary and forlorn, Jupiter returned home to The Mage Tower with little hope of ever recovering the night sight spell. He began to wonder if the spell even existed? Was it all a figment of his imagination? No! he was sure it had existed, but perhaps Lord British had developed a kind of potion which inoculated everyone's eyes to be immune from darkness? Laden with these burdensome quandaries, Jupiter would have to take up his quest again another day.

Re: Darkness and a missing spell!

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:20 pm
by Norris
A deranged nox witch by the name of Leala Ruby may be able to craft you a night sight scroll. She is a recluse and gets paranoid around large crowds. She is quick with her business in towns and mainly hides in her tower workshop far north of Brit past the mountains.
Good Luck in your quest.

Re: Darkness and a missing spell!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:25 am
by apmcd
I know of a well to do treasure hunter that would part with vast quantities of magical items imbued with arcane power to grant the wearer sight in darkness. I am sure he would part with many of these items for naught but mention in your tales.