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Monster spawn in my keep???

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:52 am
by Apocalypse
Logged in this morning and noticed a water elemental was in my keep. This is not summoned and nobody other than me is friended to the keep and I definitely did not let it in. I am new to keep ownership so don't know if this is a common occurance (i.e. - maybe spawns in the "courtyard" and somehow gets bumped up to the upper floor). The door is locked AND there are tables blocking the entrance so there is no way it could have walked in through the front door. Pic below. Come someone provide some insight? How did this happen?



Re: Monster spawn in my keep???

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:31 am
by Millerisfuntoplay
Thats pretty cool rlly

Re: Monster spawn in my keep???

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:28 am
by Blaise
I get spawn in all three keep CYs and I have never seen one get bumped in any way INTO the keep.

Re: Monster spawn in my keep???

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:02 pm
by Apocalypse
So is this a bug or a fluke or what are we calling it? My knowledge of coding is close to nil. Could this be that somehow the elem spawned on a wall tile and was bumped to the second floor? Could this be in any way connected to the issues with the LoS bug? I'm just pulling theories out of thin air at this point. This isn't much of an issue at this point, but I could see it ruining my day if I set a macro to run and find myself killed by a random mob that spawns in my keep (especially if my macro involved me holding resources in my pack and they end up decaying with my corpse if I get killed). I'm sure the admins have much more pressing things to take care of but I would love to get some comment on this from them.

Re: Monster spawn in my keep???

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:11 pm
by Blaise
I'd be curious to see if this happens again, or ever happened before.

Regarding resources in your pack, let me know if you'd like to chat about how to use restock agents.

Re: Monster spawn in my keep???

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:23 pm
by Apocalypse
Yeah I'm definitely gonna keep an eye out for this happening again. I'll definitely update this thread if it does.

Regarding restock agents, I appreciate you offering to assist. I know how to use them, and have done so in the past when macroing at a bank. I'm just a minimalist (i.e. - lazy) when it comes to macroing within the "safety" of my house. Although, I use the quotes because of the recent LoS issues so I guess restock agents may become a necessity even when macroing in a house.

Re: Monster spawn in my keep???

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:54 pm
by Jill Stihl

I had a keep for a fair while and never saw anything like this.

Re: Monster spawn in my keep???

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:51 am
by Blaise
Heh, I know the feeling Apoc. I haven't macroed in a while but damn I was lazy for long time. Working skills with 1500 FS regs in one pack and 2000 bandages in another.
Now I'm a restock agent junkie and that's how I do everthing. Stable your mares before you go home. Not only will it live longer, you won't have that smell of horse shit in the house :)

Re: Monster spawn in my keep???

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:11 am
by Apocalypse
It happened again!!! Ettin this time. WTF is going on with my keep? Is there ANYONE who has experienced this before???

I was doing some organizing (much needed) tonight and, at some point, I went downstairs and saw there was an ettin in the northwest room. See pic. What is going on?


Re: Monster spawn in my keep??? SOLVED!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:57 pm
by Apocalypse
Problem solved!!!

Spoke with Derrick on IRC today and he stopped by to check it out. Apparently there was a spawner near the keep which had an unusual setting.

If anyone is interested, here is what was discovered:

If I understand correctly, the spawner was very old (placed 3+ years ago) and was put there by one of the staff guys who did a bunch of their dungeon spawners. There was a setting on it that told the spawner to ignore obstructions (like on the dungeon spawners), which is typically not the case for spawners in areas where housing can exist. Derrick kindly fixed the setting and moved the spawner into the woods a bit.

I'll be on the lookout for any more random spawns in the keep, but until then, I'm thinking it should be fixed. YAY!!!