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Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:19 pm
by LiquidFire
I have noticed for awhile now when im tmapping, that when i get to like monsters, for example two Ogre Lords that die on the same tile, that one of the corpses are unable to be looted, it will just bring up one coffin, regardless if i have the other corpse open and double click to open the next, it will not open it or it will open the same one, i have tested this a million different ways to sun down. The second corpse is only lootable after the other corpse decays, and this wouldnt be a big deal however sometimes the first corpse to loot is the one that has not been looted yet. Please look into this, it has caused me to miss out on serious gold and magic items over time now. Thanks.

Re: Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:39 pm
First off you should have (in the options tab in razor) "Open new corpses within [2] tiles checked on, and "Show Names of New/Incoming Corpses" also check on.
You should also have (in the more options tab in razor) "Show health above people/creatures" click on so you know when you run to them before they die.
If you have "Show names of new/incoming corpses" check on you can dbl click the name when it pops up. this will open the wrong corps always, but when you use your "Last Object" macro it will always open the the new one.

Re: Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:59 pm
by Apocalypse
I had this experience with daemons before in wind. I found that sometimes I could run so the corpses went out of screen, and run back in and one of them would have changed "position" (i.e. - aren't laying the exact same way, like you are talking about). Just something to try. Haven't done that in a while but used to work for me about 9 months ago.

Re: Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:23 am
by Pirul
CTRL + Shift is your friend.

Pro Tip: right clicking on the "tags" while CTRL + Shifting will close the topmost tag, leaving the bottom one displayed for you to dbl click.

Re: Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 4:10 pm
by LiquidFire
Okay, i have tried all those ways, it is not an issue with the corpses laying the exact same way(Apocolypse), also, i have all those settings that way and razor will open only one corpse regardless of any of those ways you mentioned (POTHEAD), and as for the ctrl+shift is my bestfriend by far, helps with everything a tmapper has to do however same thing, when i ctrl+shift it will open corpse number one, and when i click on the other corpse it doesnt open a new coffin just leaves the same one, and i have also tried closing that coffin and opening the other one first and it opens the same coffin regardless. The only thing i can do to prevent loss of items before decay is to try and loot the first corpse before another monster dies on top of it, or draw the monsters away from any existing corpses before they die.

Thanks for the advice guys, but like i said, i have tried every option that i can think of. Hopefully it is not a client side issue, but i cant see why it would be considering i use the same download as everyone else i would assume since all my programs are from the UOSA website. Anyways, thanks again guys/gals.

Re: Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:01 am
I bet you have auto queue turned on and your item delay is too fast..razor will que up opening each corpse in the order they are on the ground. If your item delay setting is 600 (default) you will always get.the msg you must wait to perform another action and will ve hard to opwn every corpse. I use 1200 delay and it works just forewarned though if you try to open just one corpse in a pile it will auto open them all and all you is.waituntil it finishes

Re: Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:05 am
by LiquidFire
i have mine set at 1000 and it works just fine, however next time this happens i will try and mark a rune by the corpse, leave and recall back and see if it will open the right amount of corpses.

Re: Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:12 pm
by FishinPro
You can resync the client and the bodies will change position. Just keep resyncing until they are the opposite.

Problem solved.

Re: Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:39 am
by LiquidFire
Sweet, never heard that one and that is a quick solution if it works, thanks FishinPro, i will try it next time it happens to me!

Re: Unable to loot bottom corpse on stack of corpses

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:49 pm
by [Uhh] Eo
Yeah Re-synch or gate next to the corpse with auto-open corpse on and pop back through.