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Paws Village Report – The fall of Uncle Benny the Loathed!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:57 pm
by VoP Denizen
The typical duties of a Paws village guardsman are not inconsequential. They clear the path from Britain to Trinsic; they lead travelers safely between towns; and when the village is relatively safe they offer out their services to neighboring villages in need. Thus, the brave men of Paws do daily fulfill the duties to which the guards of King British are so sufficiently inept and steadily expand the boundaries and prosperity of Paws.

Unfortunately news of such prosperity travels to all ears, both the wicked and the dim-witted. I relate to you now the following story.

It was not irregular to receive reports of bandits, ogres, and trolls impeding trade lines between Paws and Britain. King Zoltan trusted his two finest guardsmen to investigate and handle all such reports. On the full moon of this month, Haggard and the brave village Fighter found that a two-man outfit had indeed heard the rumors of the thriving community and sought to make a quick coin. Haggard and Fighter chased the clumsy bandits to the limits of Paws, and thought the threat was allayed. However, it turns out Uncle Benny’s plot was much more nefarious than mere highway robbery…

It had been a fortnight after the bandits had been chased out of the village. Haggard returned from long journey to a distant land to find the villagers of Paws holed up in the tower. Gathering as much information as quickly has he could, he learned that Blaine (one of the few standing defenders) had managed to round up all the villagers after Uncle Benny and his cohort, the bungling wizard Atrox, had assailed Paws in a full scale invasion. The villagers were so far safe, but supply lines were diminishing as Uncle Benny had laid siege to the tower.

Though their plan was riddled with flaws, Uncle Benny and Atrox had managed to make a significant mess of things. Their success thus far was in great part owing to King Zoltan being totally and utterly inebriated. Yet the tides would change just as soon as the reinforcements arrived. At Haggard’s arrival, Blaine gave a rousing speech and mustered the villagers to bravery. Leading them out, he engaged the forces head on.

While Blaine engaged the forces in a direct assault, Haggard and Fighter scrambled to reinforce the defensive perimeters which was in shambles. Standing side by side, they quickly dispatched Atrox the Bungler. But Uncle Benny’s resolve could not be crushed so easily.

The battle was fierce and many lives were lost, including many of our fine mares. When Uncle Benny finally saw his plans were lost he fled as a coward in the night. But his assault was not so easily forgotten or forgiven. After the village defenses were passably repaired, King Zoltan ordered Haggard and Fighter to carry out an execution warrant. Barefooted and armed only with courage and meager supplies they set out to fulfill their quest; failure was not option.

Using the information collected by Blaine during the initial assault, Haggard and Fighter knew precisely where to find the dwelling of Benny the Coward. Within a few short moments they arrived at the hideout northeast of Vesper. The warrant was swiftly executed and Uncle Benny answered for his heinous plot. Hoping that King Brit had heard some news of such an evil character dwelling so close to Vesper, Haggard and Fighter reported the events to the King’s loyal guard… But they were not surprised to learn that King Brit does not concern him self with trivial matters like the survival of his citizens’. Thus we leave this report as it began; recounting the many duties the guardsmen of Paws fulfill on behalf of King British.
The bandits are chased away. But their plot is much more nefarious
The bandits are chased away. But their plot is much more nefarious
CKing Haggard_001.jpg (82.92 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
The villagers are holed up in the tower.
The villagers are holed up in the tower.
CKing Haggard_002.jpg (119.33 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
The villagers rise up!
The villagers rise up!
The defense perimeter is re-estabilished
The defense perimeter is re-estabilished
CKing Haggard_004.jpg (94.15 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
Many perished
Many perished
An Execution Warrant
An Execution Warrant
The village is avenged!
The village is avenged!
CKing Haggard_007.jpg (158.62 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
King Brit cares not to address the fact that murderers roam free in his land
King Brit cares not to address the fact that murderers roam free in his land
CKing Haggard_008.jpg (59.87 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
Benny's Dead
Benny's Dead
DeadBen.jpg (13.87 KiB) Viewed 1567 times

Re: Paws Village Report – The fall of Uncle Benny the Loathe

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:04 am
by Blaine the Gypsy
"A warning to these two ruffians. The village and villagers will not tolerate your actions and will be delt with accordingly every time you come. We will continue to send a lone warrior or a team to your place of living until you get the idea we are not in an agreement with each other." - Blaine the Gypsy

Re: Paws Village Report – The fall of Uncle Benny the Loathe

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:30 pm
by Boondock_Saint
I had a few run ins with the McNasty Brothers.. Or at least the occupants of that house. It did not bode well for them.

Keep those ruffians in check!