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Attention, citizens: We're still here.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:59 am
by Officer_Atraxi
Hello, citizens of Britannia. This is Chief Atraxi of the BPD. I'd like to assure you that, even though most of my Officers have retired, we're still around.

For the next couple of days, I'll actually be doing some heavy recruiting for the guild. Any citizens who would like to fight for the safety of our streets are free to join the BPD.

Please click on the link at the bottom of my signature if you'd like to join the BPD.

You can find me as "@Atraxi" in the #BPD irc channel. To make sure you're actually talking to me, and avoid imposters, make sure I have the @ in front of my name in the guild channel. No matter what I tell you, if you find an Atraxi in the BPD guild channel that's not opped, it's not me.

This heavy recruiting will only last a couple of days, so please sign up if you're interested. After Friday, recruiting will be closed until further notice.

Re: Attention, citizens: We're still here.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:32 pm
by Officer_Atraxi
Recruiting has been closed until further notice. I will not be able to add new members to the stone, so I cannot accept new cadets into the academy.

If you are interested in joining the BPD, please feel free to join our irc channel, #BPD, and talk to an active officer about taking you under their wing. You can train your character and get it ready for a time when I am able to actively recruit again.

If you choose to take this path, you may qualify for the opportunity to be fast-tracked past "Cadet" rank once I add you to the stone. This qualification will depend greatly on the feedback I get from your Mentor.

Thank you for your interest in the Britiannian Police Department.