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New 7th Skill for Tamer or stay with what I have?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:01 pm
by Apocalypse
So I've been debating on dropping meditation for another, more useful, skill for my tamer. I feel as though I don't have much of a use for med because I typically only gate my tames in and out of places and don't ever feel as though I'm straining for more mana. My current stats are as follows:

100 str
100 int
25 dex

GM Lore
GM Taming
GM Hiding
GM Magery
GM Meditation
92.7 Vet - (don't know if I'll ever take the time to GM, but the "veterinarian" title might be cool so we'll see)
GM Wrestling

Basically, I use my tamer as a method to get my pets places and to heal them. He doesn't fight. Pets do all the "work". I don't feel I have any use for eval or resist because of this. I was thinking tracking, but that would really only be good for mares and/or frenzy's. I'm not completely sold on the idea of dropping med, but considering all possibilities. I could even keep 50 med and go 50 something else. Open to all ideas.


Re: New 7th Skill for Tamer or stay with what I have?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:23 am
by archaicsubrosa77
You want Med not only to gate pets but if you ever feel like engaging players in battle or adding more pets with summoning intelligent creatures such as elementals and daemons.

If you plan on leaving pets behind every time you encounter danger then you can add hiding or tracking by themselves or like a 80/20 split.

Or you can do a 50/50 with music provoke to get some slack off your pets, or Music/Peace in order to have better control when pulling them away from conflict in order to listen to commands better.

I been playing with Peace lately and I am discovering some useful things. For once I will keep silent about it all except this one aspect. A Peacer Dexxer is Good to have as a companion with a tamer mage for this reason. Its easy to control mobs that way. If your peacer friend peaces everyone out and you say all guard me then attack a mob your dragons will focus on just that spawn, and the monster and your pets will focus on each other meeting half way and as long as you keep attacking last your dragons will respond. This combo has a lot of useful cohabitation but primarily keeping your pets from being overran.

If you keep on the healer role taking care of the dexxer and your pets this is a good team as your friends human and animal alike will be doing all the offensive the other player especially in finishing off seriously wounded med is good to have alongside your vet. (find an eval provoker and your farming team is complete)

I have some dirty tricks in mind with this one...but thats just the jist of it for starters.

Re: New 7th Skill for Tamer or stay with what I have?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:23 pm
by jimm1432
My tamer is GM magery / med / taming / animal lore / vet / wrestling / evalint.

I like to beable to fight back/defend...Ive thought of dropping vet for resist but haven't.

I also like the tracking idea, very usefull skill for taming ozzys/mares.

Re: New 7th Skill for Tamer or stay with what I have?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:50 pm
by Hoots
My Tamer


I feel med is more important than EI (my tames are doing the damage with this build so it shouldnt matter if my eb does 12 vs 30)

and then wrestle/resist are defensive skills. Need the wrestle to get away from pks and small mobs, and resist is a must if you care about fame/pks. My bard (0 resist) insta-died to two evil mage lords the other days when they both FS'ed me at the same time for 95+ damage. And this is going to happen on high end spawns.... insta death for sure.

Forget hiding (IMHO),, inviso spell + clothing is more than enough for this build.

I agree with Jimm though. wish i had some room for a little tracking. I currently do my t2a tracking on an alt and gate my tamer in for frenzies which is a little sloppy but works. That alt also has healing which i use as a bot when taming mares/dragons.

His skills are (if you care)

Re: New 7th Skill for Tamer or stay with what I have?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:04 am
by archaicsubrosa77
You can probably get away with 90 vet 80 meditation if you wanted like 30 tracking

Re: New 7th Skill for Tamer or stay with what I have?

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:52 pm
by Apocalypse
Thanks for all the input guys! Still open to more suggestions. I'm thinking, if I do decide to make a change, and tracking is that change, it would have to be either 50/50 with tracking and med, or simply drop med and do 100 tracking. My thought is that I would benefit most from maximizing my tracking radius (at least if I'm looking for mares in the bridges area, or looking for frenzys).

Any suggestions for a different skill other than tracking?

With regard to hiding, I'm not really considering dropping it. Yes invis spell or items work just fine, but I'm big on just hiding there and letting my pets do the work. Since invis only lasts for a set amount of time I tend to like hiding better. Not that my mind couldn't be changed, that's just my current preference.

Re: New 7th Skill for Tamer or stay with what I have?

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:23 am
by archaicsubrosa77
Okay so I am guessing you are just gating your pets in, then hiding and then have an alt stand by?
Then you want stealth so you can stealth to your pets and heal them or lead them to another area where they,instead of you, would be the target.

Magery 90
Vet 90
Stealth 80
Animal lore
Animal Taming
Tracking 40

If you dont need meditation you dont need GM magery either I'd say. Really You could have named yourself a Dragon and Polymorph when you wanted to pick up the pace rather then stealthing around. Too late though, but you can name them your tamer name. ( or even get a bunch of timber wolves or something, name them all your name that you keep alongside your dragons so they no longer say tamed and all go grey allowing you means to confuse your know to mix them up, in which case you might look into a tamer mage thief and grabbing a bunch of bears or dogs and having just enough skill in lore and vet to control everyone long enough to release them lol)

Anyway the advantage of that is your lesser pets can be released but your dragons would not be in having a hot key with "yourname release"

I am sure 50/50 would be okay for lesser beasts so you could still have hiding or even resist, okay I admit why I wanted to make one called a slime because they require so low skill and damage weapons and would be great for town

(PS if you release and retame this may still be possible with hardly any skill at all, I mean if you can get your ossy or horse to follow, and even retame them when they go wild I am sure you can do so a slime)
Having enough skill for polar bears however is probably the best bet though, especially when you consider what you are then able to retame and have follow. (frenzied ossies come to mind which is good because you can keep at least one as your mount when the polymorph runs out)

Don't listen to what I tell you ideas are dumb right? 8) Just make sure you have your pack horse (or pack friend XD) ready so you can refresh with pots after grabbing your gear being you would have first contained your target setting your pets to follow and would need to pass through rather quickly. If you do trade with a player make sure you open the window first with a newbie item because he may get confused too.

Magery 90
Stealth 80
Animal lore 65
Animal Taming 65

Re: New 7th Skill for Tamer or stay with what I have?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:49 am
by jimm1432
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:Okay so I am guessing you are just gating your pets in, then hiding and then have an alt stand by?
Then you want stealth so you can stealth to your pets and heal them or lead them to another area where they,instead of you, would be the target.

Magery 90
Vet 90
Stealth 80
Animal lore
Animal Taming
Tracking 40
I'd have 80 hiding and gm stealth, since you can cast invis/use invis item then use stealth without delay.

Re: New 7th Skill for Tamer or stay with what I have?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:46 am
by archaicsubrosa77
jimm1432 wrote:
archaicsubrosa77 wrote:Okay so I am guessing you are just gating your pets in, then hiding and then have an alt stand by?
Then you want stealth so you can stealth to your pets and heal them or lead them to another area where they,instead of you, would be the target.

Magery 90
Vet 90
Stealth 80
Animal lore
Animal Taming
Tracking 40
I'd have 80 hiding and gm stealth, since you can cast invis/use invis item then use stealth without delay.
I would actually have 40 med myself but he seemed to want tracking :?
This is an either or as well...GM hiding vs GM stealth both have reasons behind them. The fact having low to no med is one reason I said GM hiding.