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Perfect Dexxer Guide

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:28 pm
by matrix13
(omg I made this thread about the kryss but pirul said katanas are better now so just use that then if you want lol)

Hi, I've played on this shard for like on and off 4 years or something, and I love it sooo much idk I might play again someday but if I do you won't ever know who I am so no worries.

My mains have been: Joshua Lee, Monika, MadMax

Ever since like way back in 99 or whatever all I ever liked to play was a dexxer hehe. I mean on uosa I've played bards and stuff like that and it was a lot of fun, but hally mages meh so boring to me and gets so bla bla with timing and technical crap yuck, imo there's nothing more boring than watching 2 hally mages go back and forth healing trying to get that perfect hally ebolt hally finish combo, zzzzzz.

Dexxers are adrenaline junkies!!!!! charge chase run away charge chase run away charge chase kill end

Never plan on dying. Dying is not an option. This is how you should play, yes you will die sometimes and it sucks lol, but you get back up and get yourself sorted out, but this guide hopefully will make you a nonstop force that can only rarely be killed. I did not die that much, if I did die they got all invulnv armor and vanqs everything. But I rarely ever died, I always went for weeks without dying.

This is all about PVP really, but can apply to PvM just the same really in some respects.

I hope this can help someone who may be starting out or struggling with a dexxer out in the field. This can apply if you want to be anti-pk, pk, casual, roleplayer, or you know whatever really. This has been tested on and off for years on this shard and I believe it's perfection.

Many people think that dexxers don't take that much skill but that's just simply not true. A lot of the elitists will have you believe the the hally mage system is sooo challenging and "leet" and they are sooo good bla bla bla lol.

Yes all root of what you are doing is attacking and chasing. But I'll explain everything else that goes on as well that can be the difference between life or death, victory or defeat.

First off I'll go over my perfect template, you can tweak this however you like but this is what has always worked for me and I put time into perfecting it and trying different things.

Starting skills - 50 magery 50 poisoning
100 fencing
100 tactics
100 anatomy
100 resist
100 healing
100 parrying

Your main weapon will be your sexy cute little kryss, and your shield will usually be a heater or heatherwahtever it's called, but you can dye a invuln kite shield for the fashion if you wanted it's ok.

50 poisoning - Do not go for DP poison, it's crap. It can be instantly cured and only lasts like 12 swings or something. And if you want to reapply it you're going to need to GM it, which we don't have toe skill points for.

With 50 poisoning , only use store bought poisons and you will get 20 swings out of them. You can create a hotkey in razor that will (double click green pot by type, double click your weapon) you can use the hotkey midbattle no problem so you have unlimited poison.

Against mages -

- Increases the chance to interrupt their spells.
- Adds a little damage when the poison ticks, a few hitpoints or something.
- Adds pressure and adds another element, also can make them think "oh this guy has DP *counts orange pots*). I mean yeah most will see it's not DP but some will be so focused on the battle they just see they are poisoned and don't have time to read the time that it's not DP.

Against dexxers -

- Can mess up their bandage heal

Also with unlimited poison and 20 swings to every 1 green poison potion you have, they will run out of orange pots eventually, so this in turns adds more pressure to your enemy.

50 Magery - ok so like you're totally going to need this.

Get magic reflect scrolls!!!!! Carry like 10 with you at all times, always make sure it's on. Sometimes a noob mage will try to ebolt you right away and it's soo funny lolol

You need magery to be able to recall with recall scrolls, you don't need to ever carry regs. You can get weaken scrolls and teleport scrolls also which I always used.

Sometimes you need to teleport, and a mage will teleport over something thinking you can't get over there (I.E. Brit GY fence) then bam you teleport.

Weaken can be good to I used it sometimes but not much, but was funny to see them like wtf and get mad

Ok. So you got your poison. You can recall fine.

Fencing - Kryss is the anti-mage. Most people in the field are mages. Mages do not wear armor. Vanquishing Kryss WRECKS mages.

You wear vanquishing, nothing less, maybe power sometimes, but always be rocking out that sexy vanquishing. You need the best to be the best.

Now against dexxers, if they have heavy AR kryss kind of just bounce off, so what I did was always carry a good power or vanq war fork with me at all times.

Spears. nada, you're going to have a shield.

-Macing~2h qstaffs are AWESOME, badass stam loss and are fun to play, 2h warhammers are ok also, but 1h macing weapons suck and we need shieldddd power.
-Swords~You need speed. Sure you can get a broady and wreck havoc and it's somewhat fast still, or a katana whatever, but trust me, nothing can compare to the speed and power of the scorpions tail that is the kryss.

Tactics, Anatomy, Healing, Resisting Spells - Ya need tactics obv. Anatomy for damage and healing bonuses. Healing for that extra healing power. GM resist to sometimes ignore spells altogether and they do way less damage. You can drop healing down to like 80 or something, you don't really need 100 I always had like 80 or something like just enough to rez or whatever.


Hally will kill you. GM parry will save you. Trust me. All you gotta do is make a hotkey to unequip/reequip your ummm yeah left hand or whatever. Hit the hotkey, pop your potions, reequip it. Trust me nothing will piss off a mage more than when they try to hally you and it does 0 damage hahahahahah

And obviously it protects you even better against dexxers. But your biggest threat will always be mages no matter what, your shield will be your salvation in the darkest of times when you are near death and running through the woods.

Ok so don't get magic reflect jewelry it's a waste, you're not going to need it, unless you're rich and bored and want to waste gold.

It use to be that the charges here would only apply once as if it was a scroll, but I think Derrick changed it at one point so that the jewelry consumed charges over time, but it wasn't a big deal the 1 charge/reequip MR jewelry hotkey was way overpowered even though not many people knew about it I don't think.

What you do need is greater heal staffs and staves and wands whatever. You can farm these by killing liches mostly or umm treasure hunting and stuff like that.

When you are being blasted down by 2-3 mages and being synced you're going to need to run, throw down your kryss and shield and use ahotkey that equips your greater healing staff and heals you, then put it away and put your kryss and shield back on, you will n eed hotkeys to dress them because the reequip will get all messed up.

Hotkeys are the only thing that will save you.

You will need hotkeys for the following:

-disarm/rearm left and right hands
-dress for kryss and shield
-apply banadage to self

- every potion - white blue red orange yellow (you will do this by dropping your shield, but leaving your kryss on to keep attacking, always be popping yellow and occasionally pop a red one, the white and blue one you only need to do once at the beginning)

-attack nearest blue
-attack nearest grey
-attack neared red
-next target
-attack last target
-the resync thingy or whatever
-reapply poison to your vanq kryss
-dress healing wand and heal self with it

-purple pot, time it right (ugh i forget the timing its like between the 1 and the 2 you throw it or something i dont remember but you time it at the right time and it will hit them everytime, but just gotta be careful cause sometimes u can get damaged to if you mess up, it takes some practice but youll get the hang of it, but can be dangerous, also use this to reveal hidden enemies then they auto attack you revealing themselves, (I always made my purple pot hotkey as spacebar, then when it was time i used a Exec:Last Target hotkey so I guess you need that hotkey also if you want to do this)

-3 dif recall hotkeys
-dropping a crate as you run to block someone chasing you to give you time to run and heal or get away
-extra dress keys for backup kryss and warfork (incase chumbucket or matron steal your vanq kryss while u equip healingstaff)
-hotkey to restam your mount (only in a safe place when you are at a distance, if you cant get far away then think of something clever, juke your enemy and create distance)

*** The reason you need an attack blue hotkey no matter what is if you are in the field and someone hops off their horse you can attack their mount and they are f*ked ***

Dexxer vs Dexxers fights are boring as hell, just like Mages vs Mages are as well.
So I'm just going to go over the Dexxer vs. Mage scenario. And I'm going to put it as you are a blue dexxer just picking flowers and a crazy pk with some crazy name comes running up.

You are the instigator the aggressor. No matter what. Show no fear and attack instantly. This sometimes throws a pk off and can counteract some psychological warfare of your own. A lot of PVP is just mind games and confidence. If you attack relentlessly, they are going to think ok this person loves to pvp and this won't be as easy as I thought, because PKs usually have the advantagebeing the element of surprise, so they can exploit the whole " OH SHIT I COULD DIE RIGHT NOW" thing.

Be dominant. Attack relentlessly. But also know you will have to run at some point. Once they get their combo loaded up run back a bit to assess the situation. Your health can drop very low almost instantly so you ahve to always keep this in mind.

Always be healing with bandage, even when you first pop your white blue pots start healing right away.

Always be popping healing potions when the CD reset.

Your mission is to make him wear their mana out, once their mana is gone they are done. They will just run and miniheal and just recall or if they are good they will keep fighting you with hally hits while they regain their mana.

Keep a leveled head at all times, when in doubt, run throw down kryss and shield and pop greater heal staff.

dOn't forget to reapply your poison!

keep popping potions

Don't forget to reapply bandage!

at the same time disarming and rearming shield constantly

if your shield is not up when that hally hits, then like OUCH

if 2 mages come, no problem same thing, you can stay and fight you just need to learn to be aware of syncs, never underestimate your killing power, all it takes is a 3 kryss hits sometimes and they are dead, so usually they are spamming miniheal while the other tries to blast you or heals their friend.

The moment you are 1v2 and you see cross healing going on, just run and get out, this means they are probably on vent or just have good chemistry together and know what they are doing so don't even bother they will just keep healing each other, they will drag it out make you exhaust all your resources

Because the thing tha tsucks is that you only can have so much stuff you can carry, eventually you will run out of pots and things just like they will run out of regs eventually, but you are more likely to run out of pots faster than they run out of regs, but they have mana to consider whereas you can use pots for free

But also if its 1v2, sometimes while running away and dropping crates, you can create distance and sometimes get 1 alone and kill them that way, then go after the other one

I mean it's all skill really, dexxer or mage tbh, I mean mages have more more technical things to consider, but dexxers have a lot more vulnerability as they are not as mobile as mages are. Mages can pick up a hally and regs and pots while dexxers need so much more to survive, they are mechanical by nature in this game.

Before you know it they can call their friends a lot faster and they are there before you know it, a lot of my field pvp in uosa was 1v2 a lot of the time, and in my experience there has always been more mages than dexxers out in the field, but who knows I haven't really played in like a year or so

So most of it is just deciding what to do and when to do it, when to be bold and charge and when to run, knowing when to do these things is the key above everything else. You can read someone like a book once you get use to it, I became so aware of when syncs were going down I would literally run off screen and have 10hp left because I just got synced but was out of distance from the hally hits, happened so many times, but it sure pisses them off, all that coordination for nothing hahahah

Umm what else, if you're a pk dexxer pick up tracking it's pretty cool, place a few outposts around uosa as hideouts incase you get in trouble, put runebooks in there etc to recall around to all the hotspots, you can also use your 2nd and 3rd client to stay dead in dungeons and leave your journal up to scan for peopel coming and going, it's always fun to see them come and go, see them stay for a bit then leave to go bank and come back.

Just don't go to therathan keep where you can't recall out and all that crap is there, Malice got me there once with someone else I think Tagarr or something and I lost all my invulnv and vanq lol it sucked lol

But yeah when you do this and realize how much fun it really is, everything else just becomes like boring and not important, I even sold my blessed dark green deer mask for a couple mil or something just so I could stock up on more invuln and vanq and stuff like that, and even bought stuff for some friends as well, but I was mostly solo tbh, I've had a few friends here and there that I rolled with or whatever but was mostly solo cause it's just so much fun tobe a pk and be on the hunt or whatever, but now I don't think i could ever pk again hehe I am just too ncie to do that now <3

Also town fighting, mages do have a disadvantage so never brag because you killed a mage in town cause they can't use spells and stuff, but if there are a 2+ of them then ya stay in town lol

But even with all this stuff there are still mages out there that are very good like Malice and are still hard to kill, but ya most of them are easy :)

Have fun!!!!!!!!! <3

Re: Perfect Dexxer Guide

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:40 pm
by Pirul
Awesome, Josh!!!

Just one thing: Katana's are the tits now, they improved their speed and are faster than krysses.

Re: Perfect Dexxer Guide

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:42 pm
by matrix13
oh ya and I forgot to add that if you are making a PK, just drop healing to like 80 and drop your magery to like 40 or something so you have 30 points for tracking which omg is best skill ever for a pk

Re: Perfect Dexxer Guide

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:43 pm
by matrix13
Pirul wrote:Awesome, Josh!!!

Just one thing: Katana's are the tits now, they improved their speed and are faster than krysses.
omg really? heheheh nice! uggghhhhhhhhh ok substitute kryss with katana then people :P

Re: Perfect Dexxer Guide

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:07 pm
by archaicsubrosa77
I had a PM of a temp I pushed similar to this questioning the sanity of the build so let's look this over...

Anatomy 80
Magery 70
Poisoning 50

95 str/ 90 dex/ 40 int

read this original post and look how I tweaked it.

Magery of 70 allows you to cast 7th and 8th circle from scrolls effectively. Including Meteor Swarm, and Chain Lightning (which can not be resisted, does not use eval, and can not be reflected) and Energy Vortex.

INT of 40 allows the mana for 7th circle and with cunning 8th circle including Energy Vortex which targets those with higher intelligence first. I made the suggestion of popping on a mage hat until your mana is 45 before having a mage cast cunning on you in order to bring your mana to 45 so you wont have to wait as long to get to 50. A higher intel will also lessen the damage from mind blast which mages usually spam on dexxers.

Strength and Dex can still be pushed over 100 with magic and potions.

Everything else is the same as the OP. If you think my version is flawed or insane...just as well. There is more then enough of you out there to know your strengths and weaknesses and cookies are good eating.

*If you do go fencing on a Poisoner its best to drop parry, use a spear and GM magery, anatomy, and poisoning. (Never go 80 healing if it's a primary source of heal). Also going by the 50 poison build, use normal poison not lesser.